Cande Tinelli’s emotional gesture towards Coti Sorokin on her birthday: Love of my loves

Cande Tinelli’s emotional gesture towards Coti Sorokin on her birthday: Love of my loves
Cande Tinelli’s emotional gesture towards Coti Sorokin on her birthday: Love of my loves

“In a world and a society of ‘liquid’ relationships, relationships without affective or emotional responsibility, where we all think that we are eternal teenagers and practically end up choosing solitude out of a certain selfishness, I sincerely wish you all a companion,” express.

And he confessed: “I am lucky to have this person by my side, I don’t want to be corny, but honestly life has become lighter and more fun since I met him. “It made me mature a lot as a woman and as a human being.”

Cande Tinelli Coti Sorokin

In that he went deeper into his changes and assured: “I have emotional stability and my ideas are much more settled. I value things more. I matured. And he has a lot to do with it. “Together we have the gift of taking the positive side of everything, no matter how hard it is, holding hands and moving forward, together we are stronger than apart, of not making so much drama about things that are not worth it.”

“Thank you for constantly making me laugh, for listening to me every time I have my downturns, for making me feel cared for and sure of myself. I love you deeply and I hope that we will always be with each other in everything as we always did.”he wrote.

Finally, he demonstrated his desire to continue sharing experiences together and concluded: “To many more adventures, surrounded by music and animals. Deep talks, piano, concerts and hotels on tour. Horses, painting, new projects. Everything. Happy birthday my love, enjoy today and every day of life” .

Cande Tinelli Coti Sorokin

The exotic habit that Candelaria Tinelli acquired in Madrid: “Against the wall”

Candelaria Tinelli She is very active on her social networks and usually shows the different activities she does on a daily basis in Madrid, the city where she lives with her husband. Coti Sorokin.

In the last hours, the one who shared the exotic habit that Cande acquired was his partner, who wrote to his father-in-law, Marcelo Tinelli. “Hello Marcelo, your daughter is not only a specialist in citrus fruits, she now buys whole coconuts that I have to break against the wall”, he commented.

Immediately afterwards, the driver of Bailando was surprised and responded, “And this new trend of eating coconuts? “How strange in you, Cande.”

Cande, upon seeing the exchange of messages, replied to the story and wrote about the video: “What a hdp, he plays it, eh, because look, I’m vengeful.”

Clearly the one who got excited about the coconut was him. She caught the hammer and everythingTinelli’s daughter noted about the method Sorokin used to open the coconut so she could eat it.

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