A psychologist analyzes the princess’s “absence anxiety”

A psychologist analyzes the princess’s “absence anxiety”
A psychologist analyzes the princess’s “absence anxiety”

The big day for the british royal family has arrived. This June 15, Trooping the Color is celebrated, the parade in which King Charles’s birthday is celebrated and which every year becomes the best opportunity to celebrate, to show off the union of the Windsors who attend the event and to look the best version. However, this year it is overshadowed. The reason, that Kate Middleton (42 years old) will reappear after months away because she is focused on your cancer treatment. Something that has led us to wonder how Prince William’s wife must have experienced those moments in which she has not been able to attend events where she has always been the protagonist.

To understand how you are coping Kate Middleton on sick leave (because even though it is going to reappear today, it is still undergoing treatment and limiting its appearances) and the fact that it does not stop being commented on, we have spoken with the psychologist María Padilla. The founder of Capital Psychologists has spoken to us about how the Princess of Wales would handle her absences from a psychological point of view.

Kate Middleton’s absence from the official agenda, a form of self-care

The first thing the expert did was put into value that “Kate Middleton’s decision to skip official events to focus on her health is a powerful example of self care”. Since she announced that he suffers from cancer, Prince William’s wife asked for respect for his decision to completely distance himself from public life. Something that the expert focuses on as an example of self-care in these moments when it has to be prioritized as much as possible.

On this issue, the psychologist has emphasized that “in a society where public figures are often expected to maintain an image of perfection and constant strength, Kate demonstrates the importance of recognizing and addressing one’s own needs.” mental and physical health needs. “This act of self-care is crucial not only to your personal well-being, but also to your ability to effectively perform your roles and responsibilities in the future.”

A decision to retire that would have had a lot of influence the public exposure to which it is subjected. “The expectations of both society and oneself can be a heavy burden, especially for someone in Kate’s position. The pressure of fulfilling a public role while managing personal health can lead to internal conflict. Kate, in making the decision to focus on her recovery, shows an admirable ability to set healthy boundaries. “This is a crucial aspect in stress management and burnout prevention, teaching that it is acceptable and necessary to prioritize personal well-being over external demands,” she commented. A question that would not be easy for her.


Until a few months ago, Kate Middleton’s life revolved around her agenda and public appearances. As María Padilla has commented, “for someone used to being in the center of public and family attention, staying on the sidelines can be emotionally perplexing. Distance from events and public life can lead to feelings of isolation and anxiety about not meeting one’s own and others’ expectations.” According to the expert, the key to facing this in the best way would be that “this distance also offers an opportunity for reflection and personal growth. It is a time to reconnect with oneself, evaluate priorities and strengthen emotional resilience.”

The absence anxiety that Kate Middleton would have suffered before Trooping the Color

About how to handle these situations, María Padilla has spoken to us of absence anxiety. In the case of Kate Middleton, she could be present when she has to be absent from important events, something that at least with Trooping the Color is not going to happen. The expert told us that “from a psychological perspective, managing anxiety due to the absence of important events involves several strategies.” Some strategies that we break down below.

As he explained to us the psychologist, “first, acceptance is essential; Understanding and accepting that you cannot be present in all aspects of life is a vital step towards peace of mind.” Once this has been achieved, the next phase is “maintaining open communication with family and followers can help mitigate anxiety and feelings of guilt.” And thirdly, “you have to practice self-compassion, reminding yourself that it is okay to take care of yourself, it is essential to maintain a healthy emotional balance.”

How Kate Middleton’s absence affects her family

Furthermore, these decisions by Kate Middleton do not only affect her. Also to her family. The self-care that she is carrying out in these months of treatment is also positive for her husband and children. As Padilla has reminded us, “Kate Middleton is not only a public figure; She is also a mother and wife. The responsibility of caring for her children and maintaining family balance adds another layer of complexity to her absence. Children, especially at young ages, may perceive the absence of a mother as a significant change. However, this time can be used to strengthen the relationship with them in different ways, through communication and emotional support.” Therefore, with her determination, “by prioritizing her recovery, she is also teaching her children a valuable lesson about the importance of self-care.”


The positive impact of Kate Middleton’s recovery

Because “recovery and self-care They have a positive impact not only on the individual, but also on their environment. By taking the time to recover, Kate Middleton is ensuring that she will be able to return to her roles with renewed energy and focus.” Furthermore, the determinations of the Princess of Wales in this regard are a declaration of intent because “with this act she also sends a powerful message to the public about the importance of mental and physical health, challenging the stigma associated with taking a break to recover. ”.

Although she now has to prioritize all this, it is not surprising that Kate Middleton is going to make an appearance at Trooping the Color 2024. Little by little returning to public life as long as her health allows it, is a way of returning to a certain normality that It will also be very good for you from a psychological point of view.

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