Fátima Florez spoke for the first time after her separation from Javier Milei

After the breakup with Javier Milei, the actress and dancer Fatima Florez He broke the silence in an unmissable one-on-one with Nelson Castro on the program The Correspondent of TN. During the talk, she talked about her career as an impersonator and revealed details about her for the first time after her separation from the President.

I am still in love with my profession. I am deeply in love with my profession, which has been with me for so many years, which It gives me so much happiness, it gives me loyaltybecause you, who are at home watching me, chose me so many years ago,” Florez began by saying.

Also read: Fátima Florez was emotional when answering if she is still in love with Javier Milei and described what she was like in private

With a broken voice and eyes full of tears, he added: “It gives me great emotion that people, after so many years, choose me, accompany me in the summer seasons, accompany me in this Luna Park that is so important to me. I get really excited, because it touches my heart, because it is my passion, it is my love. My love is the public”.

At the interview, the artist appeared dressed as Madonna and even sang a hit by the queen of pop, “La isla Bonita.”

A cappella, the impersonator improvised one of the “queen of pop’s” greatest hits.

What Fátima Florez said when they asked her what Javier Milei was like in private

Nelson Castro He went to the bone and asked Florez what the President is like in private. “You’re terrible, huh!” the comedian replied, laughing. “I think that we are in moments where everything is expressed and everything is brought out, and it is great, but I also believe that In human and couple relationships I believe that there is also an intimacy that is up to this point.”he explained.

Fátima Florez was emotional when answering if she is still in love with Javier Milei and described what it was like in private (Photo: TN capture)

The journalist insisted and wanted to know if Milei, behind closed doors, is a “calm” man and “more of a lover of dialogue,” to which the capocomic responded: “I have had a partner before him, for many years, and They haven’t seen me talk about intimacies”.

“I truly believe that the greatest protection and the best treasure of a couple and of a love that remains is to treasure it. Treasure it in our hearts, with the beautiful moments we have spent and There is no reason to tell everyone about the intimacy of the thing.. That remains in my heart“, complete.

On the other hand, the artist spoke regarding rumors that questioned the authenticity of her relationship with the Presidentsaying that it could have been a publicity stunt to favor the then candidate.

“I read those comments, but they were few, just one or two unruly people,” commented Fátima Florez. “It wasn’t something that people in general felt. Yes, there were those who expressed it, but the truth is that it surprised me a little. When one exposes oneself, he is open to many things being said, and this was just one more version”, he clarified.

Her relationship with Javier Milei

Fátima Florez spoke out regarding the rumors that questioned the authenticity of her relationship with the President. (Video: TN)

Likewise, Florez stressed that those who know her well know that these accusations are unfounded. “Not at all. “People who saw us together know that that is not possible,” He stated, emphasizing that the relationship he shared with Milei was “very nice, sincere and genuine, with a lot of connection.”

Fátima Florez told why she separated from Javier Milei

When asked if her career was affected by the romantic relationship with the now president of the Nation, Fátima Florez answered no.. “Someone had predicted that, ‘because the waters are going to part’, and I said, ‘that’s good, that the waters are going to part, because the waters of Moses are coming,’ he joked, although he clarified instantly: ‘I never had that fear, I never had that prejudice that they say ‘because you are next to’. Not at all, the public chooses you because they love you, for what you give them, and also at that moment, an artist in love, even more so, means that her heart is beating strong.

On the other hand, regarding the breakup with the libertarian leader, the dancer assured that it did not affect her and explained why. “I do not think about that. I think they are energies that occur in people’s lives. I’m not surprised, We are two people with a lot of work, with a lot of commitment, each one doing his own thing with similar tasks, surely his is much more arduous than mine.”.

The comedian gave details about the relationship she had with Javier Milei. (Capture: TN)

And he added details about how he leads his life after his relationship with Milei: “I take it very freshly, I navigate it very well. Sometimes, what is said is more than what one really feels and I have a very good relationship.”

Fátima Florez told what her approach to politics was like during her relationship with Javier Milei

In dialogue with Nelson Castro, Florez reflected on the factors that, in his opinion, propelled Milei to the presidency. In this sense, he highlighted that Milei’s victory is mainly due to his proposal for change and disruptive style.

People voted for him for his project, for the change he proposed, his charisma and his personality”, he remarked. Although her relationship with the now president attracted a lot of media attention, Florez minimized her influence on Milei’s electoral success, emphasizing that voters choose based on the candidate’s ideas and vision.

It is natural that the presidents who manage to be elected have a charismatic impact and a disruptive proposal, both in Argentina and abroad.” he commented. Fátima also expressed her hope that the new administration brings prosperity and happiness to all Argentines. “I have all faith in Argentina. I want the 47 million Argentines to have work, health and the country that we deserve,” she concluded.

Fátima gave details about the intimacy of politics at Quinta de Olivos. (Capture: TN)

Having been close to the president, the journalist wanted to know what his relationship was like with Karina Milei, the President’s sister, who was his former sister-in-law.

I got along very well“said the comedian. “What is Karina like? Difficult?”the journalist asked. The capocomic’s response was forceful: “No no. My relationship is always very good. I have never had problems with anyone”.

Fátima Florez told how she got along with Karina Milei, three months after separating from the President

Fátima Florez told how she got along with Karina Milei, three months after separating from the President (Photo: capture TN-Reuters)

Then, he concluded about the General Secretary of the Presidency: “She was very good, in fact she told me that she has come to see me at the theater before, that she really liked my work, so she is very good, very good”.

On the other hand, the comedian revealed details about the intimacy of politics at Quinta de Olivos. “What is the power like? What you saw in those months is also a topic, especially because you also represented many figures of power and what you saw of love, what you could see, impacted you… Did it surprise you, did it disappoint you?” asked the driver.

The President’s ex-partner stated: “It always surprises one because important egos are handled… Look, I come from an artistic background, but a political one… but politics in general, not to anyone in particular, I say.”

He also added: “I learned a lot… I learned a lot to read politics, to understand the dynamics of politicssomething that before for me was studying it from the outside and I find it an interesting world to study.”

Also read: Fátima Florez arrives at Luna Park with her show “Fátima 100%”

Finally, Florez referred to the possibility of devoting himself to politics in the future and his response was forceful. They have proposed me, but no, please… People from different places have proposed me, because they see that I have a closeness with the public, but really I I think you have to prepare a lot for that. Just as I prepared for the stage when I was very young, which I take as a very big commitment,” she said.

Furthermore, he added: “I think politics is something very nice and very interesting, but obviously you have to prepare a lot, without a doubt”.

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