The financial advice of the “influencer accountant”: think about old age, organize and save

The financial advice of the “influencer accountant”: think about old age, organize and save
The financial advice of the “influencer accountant”: think about old age, organize and save

Aurora Sepulveda She is a superwoman: CEO of the Corporate Group,, Más Contografía and Business School. She is an MBA student at the University of Chile, an audit accountant specializing in taxation for businesses and SMEs; and mother of three children.

He has more than 200 thousand followers on social networks, a client portfolio that includes influencers and television faces, and in its Instagram description it says, “support for SMEs and accountants”.

At the age of 24 he already had his first apartment, From then on he never stopped achieving his financial goals. He pours all that experience into the book. “Get your house finances in order and be happy.”

“If we want a house, even with a low income, we can get it with financing from different parties so that we can dig this well and not continue paying rent,” he revealed to The fourth.

– Aurora, first of all, what has it been like for you to undertake multiple times?

It was frustrating, but now that the years have passed I have understood that I had to go through that to have the learning and be able to teach, I feel that if I had not gone through baking, setting up a coffee break, I would not have known how the procedures were done, What was beneficial and what was not, I learned the hard way.

– You are also known for being “the accountant of influencers”, how did that start?

I remember that in January 2018 I was having a bad time, I was frustrated, I had a serious family problem and I said “enough, here I focus only on my work.” And windows always open for me, that’s how I found an influencer, I was with my son in my arms, she was with her son in her arms and that’s it, we started having meetings and I got hooked, they started recommending me and I realized that there was a world of celebrities who are not known in traditional media but through social networks. And I arrived at another, another and we have been working together for years, many of them expanded internationally. The opportunities that social networks can give you are very beautiful if you manage them well.

– And you yourself became an influencer from the other side, from taking care of money.

I love talking about money, I am a super worker, if you have to work 24-7, you work 24-7, when I had little children I went through periods of survival, I could afford to pay just enough, there were years when I couldn’t I couldn’t even buy a pair of pants, so then you realize that without this planning I would have gotten involved with credits, a snowball. When I showed that I had bought my plot, it caused a sensation and I said that for me it is simple, it is adding, subtracting, planning and I am achieving the goal, but I realized that it was not easy for everyone, personal finances are a huge problem, there is a lot left to do knowledge, children are not taught financial education in school either.

Money and happiness

– The name of the book is “Order your home finances and be happy.” What is the link you identify between money and happiness?

Many people around me, especially my MBA classmates, tell me that money does not make you happy, but I think it is a means that makes you enjoy life. If you are depressed, you pay a good psychologist, if you do not generate money you cannot take advantage of many opportunities that will lead you to that feeling of being happy. I know that one decides to be happy regardless of problems, it is an attitude of life, but for me money is the means. In the book I comment that if we don’t have money there are many activities that children value or that we value as adults, without having to spend so much money. We must think that moments of debt are transitory.

– What is the main financial problem that you have identified in recent years with your clients?

Not being able to get organized, the other day I advised a person in the business world who was already retired and he told me “I worked freelance, I spent the money I had and now I’m seeing the consequences because I never saved.” If you have to achieve a goal and look for other income, you do it, and today the same thing is happening to the new generations.

– Don’t think about old age?

Of course, they don’t think that we are going to reach old age and it is going to hurt us because we have traveled so much and have nowhere to live, that is worrying. If I receive 500 thousand pesos in salary, see how I distribute it, see other sources of income, look for state support because there are many from which I can make money.

– What do you mean by making cash?

I’m looking for resources to see how I can make the end of the month in peace. Suddenly there are clients who earn more than four minimum wages, but they adopted such an expensive life that nothing is done to them, social status, appearances, make you be in this constant expense. The “I deserve it”, “God will provide”, make you fall into debt. The first debts that most of us have is the CAE and the bank account that they give you with the professional title, I saw how my colleagues spent and did not pay, and their financial history was stained. We have to talk about money in the house, if we are fair we have to talk.

A problem beyond social classes

– How do you implement it with your children?

I give my oldest son $5,000 pesos in allowance and there is no more, he has no other obligation but he is prohibited from asking me for a piece of gum, a drink when we go out, or a toy. I don’t say no, but rather “okay, how are you going to achieve it?” So that they themselves change their perception, and he feels crazy when he raises $20,000.

– Is this a problem that transcends social classes?

Yes, I have clients from all social strata, I can’t say names but there are well-known influencers at a national and international level who generate more than 7 million pesos a month and they are running out of water, they don’t have a house yet, they don’t have savings, they prefer to rent first. to capitalize. You like a certain commune to live in, but to live there you need to earn even more to buy a property. I have artist clients, with different last names, and believe me, they all fail at the same thing: they mix up company accounts, the output of their personal finances, and they get messy. I have famous clients and their managers scam them, just due to a lack of control and that is annoying because they are wonderful people, there are people who have no scruples, if they can steal everything from them, they will steal everything from them.

-And how can we materialize the financial order through the book?

When Penguin contacted me, one of the things I asked for was that it be scratchable, to write down expenses, organize ourselves if we want to be a mother, plan if we can. This book has tasks to achieve your house, a vehicle; what you have to know to make decisions. It is important to have between 2 to 3 salaries as savings in case any unforeseen event happens. One of the things that I always suggest is that if we are going to receive money we don’t think about spending it. This book is for you to scratch, but finances are personal, and you can apply these spreadsheets in Excel, but without deception, and if you listen to me, you will be able to reverse financial problems.

– Finally, what would be your main advice for people who want to start a business?

Although it sounds crude, try to start with a financial back, so that you can have your personal finances covered for at least six months to a year. If today I quit and tomorrow I want to be independent, I will not have the income immediately. I can work in parallel, that is, I fulfill my employment contract and in the afternoon I push my project; or save and start this project from scratch. You have to be careful, maybe I’m going to have to lower my lifestyle to a more austere one until the company starts generating profits, and those profits are for my personal finances.

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