They revealed how Lucía Galán is feeling days after her surgery – GENTE Online

They revealed how Lucía Galán is feeling days after her surgery – GENTE Online
They revealed how Lucía Galán is feeling days after her surgery – GENTE Online

On Wednesday, Lucia Galan announced that he had to enter the operating room after a premalignant cyst was discovered in his pancreas. Less than a week after the surgery, Angel De Brito revealed how the famous singer is doing.

On Sunday, four days after Lucía’s operation, Ángel wanted to bring peace of mind to the duo’s fans Burnet, since several contacted him to find out news about the singer’s health. That is why revealed details of how her friend is.

For all those who ask me about Lucia Galán, and there are many, I tell you that she is very good.“, the journalist began announcing. Then, he confirmed: “Since yesterday in a room, outside of therapy“. In this way, Ángel made it clear that the singer is improving after her operation.

Ángel De Brito revealed details of Lucía Galán’s health.

On Thursday afternoon, a few hours after the operation, on the official account of the Pimpinela duo they shared the medical report from the Mater Dei Sanatorium. “We want to inform you that yesterday Ms. Lucía Galán was admitted to undergo surgery. In the immediate postoperative period, the patient progresses favorably.“, indicated the specialists in charge of the singer.

Lucía Galán’s medical report, a few hours after her operation.

Lucía Galán revealed details of the health problem she is going through

On Wednesday afternoon, Lucía uploaded a video to her social networks in which she confirmed that she is going through a difficult time with her health and announced that she was about to have surgery. “Hello, how are you all. I wanted to personally give this message so that you can have the news first-hand“, the artist began by saying.

“Last year in Madrid, having a CT scan due to a bronchial infection, (the doctors) they miraculously made a discovery“, revealed Galán, before his 358 thousand followers on Instagram.

Then, he detailed: “They found a premalignant cyst in my pancreas. An exhaustive follow-up was done throughout this time and the conclusion reached is that I have to go to surgerythey have to cut the tail of the pancreas, which is where I have the cyst, attached to the wall, it is a mucinous cyst, as the doctors call it, and this is to prevent pancreatic cancer.

“This was a miraculous discovery, that despite how difficult it is going to be to go through this, I thank God that they detected it in time“, expressed the singer. And revealed: “I am going to be in surgery at this momentaccompanied of course by my family, by my daughter who comes from Madrid”.

Later, he commented: “And I know that you are very respectful of us… To all the friends from all over the world, thank you very much. Surely you are going to put together chain of prayers that will come in handy for me“.

“From August we will be settled in Spain, doing the tour as it matches. Because it is a reasonable time, I will be perfect again to yell at my brother,” Lucía confirmed, bringing peace of mind to her fans.

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