From Justin Timberlake to Lindsay Lohan, the celebrities who starred in the least desired “photo production”

From Justin Timberlake to Lindsay Lohan, the celebrities who starred in the least desired “photo production”
From Justin Timberlake to Lindsay Lohan, the celebrities who starred in the least desired “photo production”


This week, Justin Timberlake was arrested by police in Sag Harbor, New York. According to the police report, which was reported by People, an officer on a routine patrol saw Timberlake’s BMW 2025 run a stop sign. Immediately, he asked him to stop and upon seeing him he noticed that His eyes “were bloodshot and glassy.”in addition to “a strong smell of alcoholic beverage that emanated from his breath.” At the time, the actor refused to submit to a breathalyzer test and was taken into custody.

This week, after a confusing episode, Justin Timberlake was detained overnight and then released on his own recognizance. – – SAG HARBOR POLICE DEPARTMENT

This episode, far from being an exception, is one more in a long succession of similar situations, in which stars of film, music and television were delayed for driving drunk. Below we review the cases that received the most media coverage.

Justin Bieber categorically denied the accusations against him

The problems of Justin Bieber with the law they are known (without going any further, in 2013 his visit to Argentina left an unhappy episode linked to that topic). One of his biggest conflicts was in 2014, when he was driving a yellow Lamborghini erratically. Shortly after, he was arrested, tested positive for alcohol, struggled with the officers to avoid arrest and even displayed an expired license. What is said from bad to worse.

In the image, Lindsay Lohan listens, worried, to the sentence handed down by the court in Beverly Hills, California, for drunk driving. Reuters

The heroine of Mean girls She was delayed on many occasions for driving drunk or under the influence of narcotics. In 2004, Lindsay Lohan She was arrested for driving faster than the permitted speed and in 2007 the same thing happened to her, but at that time it was even more serious because when they searched her, they also found cocaine on her. As a result, her driver’s license was withheld and she faced legal charges.

Mel Gibson was involved in more than one controversy with the law

When he was taken to a police station for drunk driving, Mel Gibson starred in one of the most notorious scandals of 2006. Because as if the arrest itself were not enough, during his brief stay in a Malibu police station, the star of Brave heart He began shouting discriminatory insults. The straw that broke the camel’s back (or the floor) is that according to rumors, the actor even wanted to urinate in front of everyone.

Reese Witherspoon: “deeply embarrassed” by an episode in which she starred under the influence of alcoholArchive

Surely the one of Reese witherspoon It is the name that attracts the most attention on this list. Technically, she was not arrested for being under the influence, but for engaging in inappropriate conduct with a police officer. In 2013, the actress was a passenger in the car driven by her husband, who had drunk excessively. When an agent stops them and verifies that the man was not in optimal condition, the actress began a tense argument that culminated with her and her husband being detained. Shortly after, Witherspoon confessed that she was also under the influence of alcohol and that for that reason she felt “deeply ashamed of the things she did at that moment.”

The protagonist of Home Alone was caught by the police with possession of illegal substancesGrosby Group – LA NACION

In 2004, Culkin, who was 24 at the time, was driving a car that was stopped for speeding in Oklahoma, Capt. Jeffrey Becker of the Oklahoma City Police Department said in a statement. Police searched the vehicle and found marijuana and $3,000 in cash in a purse Culkin claimed belonged to him. The actor of My poor angel He also had Xanex and Clonzebam pills in his pocket and admitted, in his statement, that they did not have a medical prescription.

Culkin was taken to the Oklahoma County Jail and booked on state charges of possession of a substance. controlled and dangerous without a prescription, possession of marijuana and a municipal charge for possession of marijuana,” he added. Both the driver and Culkin posted bail and left jail shortly after.

The Outlaw King actor Chris Pine did not hinder the legal process when police arrested himReuters

While visiting New Zealand, Chris Pine He attended a party from which he left at 2:30 in the morning. During a police check, they gave her a routine test and found that her blood alcohol level was above the permitted limits. Embarrassed by his behavior, Pine did not hinder the legal process that followed that episode, pleaded guilty and paid the corresponding fine. When he appeared at the hearing in which he was summoned, he was very polite to everyone and even signed autographs for the fans.

Keanu Reeves admitted to drunk driving and accepted the charges against himGrosby Group – Backgrid/The Grosby Group

The figure of Matrix She was arrested in 1993 for being drunk behind the wheel. The officers saw a car that was moving recklessly and because of that they followed it until they discovered that Keanu Reeves was inside. Without wanting to worsen the situation, the actor did not offer resistance and admitted his responsibility in court, in order to soften the charges that corresponded to him.

Vince Vaughn faces obstruction of law charges

In 2018, Vince Vaughn’s mug photo became unfortunately famous, in part because it showed the actor looking very poor. The star of The wedding crashers He was involved in a struggle with some police officers when they arrested him for being under the influence of drugs, and charged him with obstruction of the law.

The renowned comedian Tim Allen (and voice of Buzz Lightyear in toy story) had a very tense relationship with the law during his youth, to the point that in 1978 he served almost three years in prison for selling drugs to an undercover officer. In 1981 he was released and after two decades without major conflicts, in 1997 he was arrested for drunk driving. In order to lighten his sentence, Allen pleaded guilty and underwent a probation a year and a rehabilitation program.

Mischa Barton often had run-ins with the policeArchive

The young protagonist of The O.C. He was one of the most famous faces in Hollywood, although his problems with the police were in many cases more talked about than the chapters of that adolescent fiction. At the end of the last decade, Mischa Barton She was famous for her conflicts with the law, and in December 2007 she was arrested after making a very irresponsible maneuver with her car. The actress was arrested and later released after paying bail of ten thousand dollars.

Aaron Carter and an inappropriate experience with the lawArchive

The Carter Brothers On different occasions, they were arrested for excessive blood alcohol while driving. Nick Carter He was involved in an arrest in 2005 for which he spent four hours in a police station and in 2017, Aaron He was charged with that same charge, to which drug possession was also added. The epilogue of this story was that Aaron confessed that his brother only wrote him a tweet to accompany him at that moment. He also said that more than a little message on social networks, he would have liked the Backstreet Boy to come and contain him.

Michelle Rodríguez was arrested in 2005Archive

In a period when he was enjoying the success of Fast and Furious and his participation in lost, Michelle Rodriguez She faced jail after being accused of drunk driving. In 2005, she was arrested and the actress pleaded guilty. Rodríguez was given two options: either she agreed to do 240 hours of community work or she went to prison for five days and paid five hundred dollars. The actress chose the second option and in this way she served a short sentence.

John Stamos: “I was going through a very hard time”Corey Nickols – Getty Images North America

One night in 2015, John Stamos He was arrested. Many witnesses warned that the star of Full House He was carrying out a series of very daring maneuvers, and for that reason, the authorities detained him. After taking him to a Beverly Hills hospital, they performed the necessary tests to determine if he had consumed any type of substance. The results revealed that he was under the influence of a drug, but authorities did not specify further. Shortly after, the actor referred to that episode in an interview and acknowledged: “I was going through a very hard time after the death of my mother. and everything that happened to me led me to a path of no return. At that point in my life I felt like I had two options: one was to continue on the same path and the other was to focus on my work and the love that surrounded me. That was the key. “Afterwards I was able to feel better than I felt in the entire last decade.” Beyond his subsequent rehabilitationfor that incident Stamos faced the relevant charges and spent three years in probation.

Shia LaBeouf arrested while intoxicatedScreenshot

One morning in 2008, Shia LaBeouf was involved in a crash. Officers who approached the scene found him in a confused state and soon confirmed that he had been drinking excessively. Unfortunately for the actor Transformers and Indiana Jones, That wasn’t the last time he had problems of that nature.. In 2014, after hitting some people and shouting obscenities inside the renowned Studio 54, a group of agents approached him. LaBeouf began spit on them and threaten them and for that reason they took him to a police station, where the actor continued with the same attitude. In 2015, he was arrested while intoxicated again, this time outside a bar in Texas. The actor behaved strangely and in front of two officers he crossed an avenue marked red. They called his attention, but the actor ignored them, something that led to his arrest.


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