Strong crossing in the air between Flor de la V and María Fernanda Callejón – GENTE Online

Strong crossing in the air between Flor de la V and María Fernanda Callejón – GENTE Online
Strong crossing in the air between Flor de la V and María Fernanda Callejón – GENTE Online

V flower and Fernanda Callejon They starred this Wednesday in a strong cross into the air of Intruders (America). In detail, the host scolded the ex-vedette for her enigmatic and controversial sayings on Tuesday in Al Dente Night (America) and she responded furiously.

It all started with the spicy statements de Callejón in the living room of the series hosted by Fer Dente, when she referred to the attacks that she claims to have received in the midst of her scandalous separation from Ricky Diotto.

“I never had bad vibes with anyone in the middle but After the separation I couldn’t speak for a long time. due to judicial issues and I felt that something was going on, did you see when you are on the floor and we are going to hit him?” Fernanda began by saying.

And I add: “They took sides, they began to defame and there was a succession of things that are not good coming from women. I have an inherent feminism and “The fact that the first to hit me were women affected me.”

María Fernanda Callejón in Al Dente Night.

That said, this Wednesday, the actress went on the air of the cycle hosted by De la V to talk about it and assured. “I’m a little tired that they put things that are distorted because I’m not angry… “.

To which Flor asked her if she was uncomfortable having been invited to the same event as her ex. “Not that “it’s crazy”, the ex-vedette denied. And she quickly added: “The conflict is about gender violence And that’s what I want to clarify…”

Then, Callejón began to talk, almost shouting, “about the game you play to make it work,” in reference to the alleged manipulations of the press. And when the driver He interrupted her to remind her of her statements about the ordeal she experienced with her ex, she asked him to let her speak.

“I did not say that”María Fernanda denied it on air. With an unfriendly face, Flor continued listening to her while she explained why she had refused to give a note with Intruders after passing through Al Dente Night.

In that sense, the couple Fernando Gamboa She said that since she reported her ex for gender violence, some women in the area did not accompany her. “I shouldn’t say this but I’m tired.”analyzed out loud María Fernanda, who also recalled that the father of her daughter is accused by Justice.

“Flor, I have seen you angry on that same channel when (Luis) Ventura tampered with your good name and your family. I’ve seen you come in desperate to fuck it up. “So how can you not put yourself in my place?” the actress asked him, without hesitation.

Flor de la V and María Fernanda Callejón on the air Intruders.

“It’s not the same, I can’t even compare it because they were saying things that aren’t true…” De la V defended himself. “Do you want me to tell you all the lies that have been told about me?“Callejón asked him.

“You can’t compare that situation because it’s not even close because they were lying…”De la V clarified. And, immediately afterwards, she told him that for her what was wrong was that they had invited her to the same event as her ex.

“If you are saying that a person whom you reported and is accused of violence, they invite him to the same place as you. Does that seem ethical to you? And you come to question me about what we do in my program?“Flor attacked shouting.

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