Mario Massaccesi talked about the workshop he attended to overcome some taboos with his body: “I went to work on my modesty”

Mario Massaccesi talked about the workshop he attended to overcome some taboos with his body: “I went to work on my modesty”
Mario Massaccesi talked about the workshop he attended to overcome some taboos with his body: “I went to work on my modesty”

Mario Massaccesi revealed the workshop he attended (El Trece)

Mario Massaccesi He shared new and striking revelations about his personal life, about which he is usually very cautious at every opportunity where he is questioned. In a recent interview on the program The perfect night (El Trece), spoke about his participation “in an unusual and high-value workshop,” as he himself highlighted.

Did you have genital healing? “Is that true or not?” he shot. Sebastian Wainraich, driver of the cycle, amid the surprise of his teammates. It was then that the interviewee responded and clarified that it was actually “a genital healing workshop,” in which he took the time to explain what the instructions were and how.

In that sense, Massaccesi explained: “It has to do with what you bring, the taboos you carry regarding sex, sexuality, your family, which are inherited”, while continuing to detail that “there is a moment when you need to let go of that. And I had, I still have, but less, a lot of modesty with my body. “I don’t like going somewhere where I have to be in a bathing suit.” Then she added: “I have been to nudist beaches, but always dressed”.

I like the feeling of freedom, but I find it difficult to exercise that freedom“, he clarified, and then detailed how he faced the need to “release that part of modesty and shame.” “It was at the end of the quarantine, did you see that we did workshops on everything? I was already excited to do workshops on everything and I saw this genital healing workshop,” he said.

“I went to work on my modesty regarding the gaze of others,” said Mario Massaccesi about the genital healing workshop he attended (Credit: Gastón Taylor)

When portraying one of the moments lived there, he commented: “There was an exercise, a dynamic, I had to carry some things, tourmaline, a stone that recharges you with energy, you had to carry to incense yourself and a handkerchief to cover your eyes. . And I thought: ‘Well‘Here, when they make you cover your eyes, the fun begins’“, although this was far from what really happened.

“The exercise was that you could take off your clothes. I eat I went to work on my modesty regarding the gaze of others, I did it”, clarifying that everyone had their eyes closed because “you didn’t know who took off their clothes and who didn’t.” After that, prejudices and doubts began to appear: “At one point this thing of ‘I’m going to be the only idiot, they’re going to laugh at me, they’re recording me’ begins,” although he finally completed it, and when he opened his eyes he could see that They were all naked, except for one of them, a boy of about 30 years old, according to what he said.

The man’s reasons for acting like this were one of the strongest moments he remembers from that workshop: “When sharing, the boy said that ‘what happened is that I was systematically raped by my uncle and It is the first time that they do not force me to take off my clothes, but I can choose not to do so”.

Many people think it’s funny and they experience very strong things. ‘We are made of stories.’ as i said Eduardo Galeano. It was a great learning experience for everyone. This thing about ‘look, I have the possibility to do it, I’m not doing it for my family’s mambo, you see? My mother was very modest in that sense and always ‘don’t let them see you, be careful’. This was very much like my mother, the ‘don’t let anyone find out’ thing. Let no one find out what? That you have a body. that you can go somewhere, that you can go to a gym shower? “Very afraid,” he explained, to which the driver of the cycle clarified that “they are not guilty either, they will have also received a very strong message.” Before closing, the journalist assured the love he feels for his mother. “Imagine that at this point I’m not going to hold my mother responsible for anything, forget it.”.

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