Meet Bobby, the star dog from House of the Dragon who has already appeared in other productions

Meet Bobby, the star dog from House of the Dragon who has already appeared in other productions
Meet Bobby, the star dog from House of the Dragon who has already appeared in other productions
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The first thing the actor did House of the dragon, Mark Stobbart, last week, upon seeing the outrage on social media, was to clarify everything.

His character, Cheese, a rat catcher who was hired by Daemon Targaryen to murder his nephew Aemon in the first episode (Spoiler Alert!), always walks around with a dirty, shaggy, but very faithful dog that sticks with him.

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Faced with the despair of the complex situation that Blood Cheese, the other assassin hired by Daemon, was experiencing, When trying to get to the royal rooms, he kicked the dog and that was recorded in the series, but it was not real, it was a product of post-production, as it became known after the episode: “Let’s relax with the dog! We were best friends. No canines were launched in anger,” the actor said.

The dog appeared again in the second episode of this new season, released this Sunday, June 23, when he sees his master, and again, spoiler alert!… Dead, hanged by King Aegon, with the other rat catchers and in revenge for the death of his son. The devastated expert stands in front of Cheese looking up and groans when he sees that his friend is dead. A great actor.

That scene has generated quite a few reactions.

Bobby’s story

This dog that everyone is talking about is called Bobby and It was a stray dog ​​that wandered the streets of Cyprusthis European island full of archaeological sites.

A charity rescued him in 2019malnourished and nervous and months later the Hollywood animal trainer, Julie Tottman, began to take care of him while they found him a home.

“When he was found, he was extremely underweight and became nervous around men, indicating that he had been mistreated.”Julie told British media several years ago, adding that he was the typical street dog, mangy and full of wounds.

With Julie Bobby’s life changed and from one moment to the next he was among the dogs chosen to participate in the disney movie, Cruella, starring Emma Stone in 2021.

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Finally, Bobby was cast in the film and in the end he found a permanent home in the house of Julie, the same trainer. “The world discards them, but I know from experience that rescued animals are usually the hardest workersthe most loyal and the most loving,” he told British media before the premiere of Cruella.

He says that it has been the easiest dog to learn to act of all the ones he has trained. and who has also earned the affection of his set colleagues. Specially in Cruella It was learned that Emma Stone became quite fond of Bobby.

Julie is an experienced trainer who lives with several animals in her house, but also has under her belt the training of several four-legged actors such as Fang, Hagrid’s dog or Hermione’s cat in the movies. Harry Potter.

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