Gastón Edul returned Nati Jota’s compliment with a spicy proposal

Gastón Edul returned Nati Jota’s compliment with a spicy proposal
Gastón Edul returned Nati Jota’s compliment with a spicy proposal

After the revolution in the networks that generated the spicy back and forth between Nati Jota and Gastón Edul in the air of It would be amazing (OLGA) during its coverage of the Copa América in the United States, The journalist once again launched his darts of conquest towards the leader of the cycle.

It all happened since a new mobile starring Gastón from New York, city where the Argentine National Team defeated Chile on the second date of the championship. The journalist joined the program hosted by Nati, Homero Pettinato, Damián Betular and Juan Pablo Varsky, who are in Miami.

As soon as he greeted his colleagues, sending a kiss to the camera, the journalist soon began to tease him: “Wow. You’re a little loud… I mean, the microphone is loud.. You are strong, and so is the sound.”

Immediately afterwards, the rest of those present began to make jokes about what Gastón, who ate chicken nuggets, had had for dinner, and made reference to what happened during the program the previous day. “When you come to Miami, if you want, you can eat breasts… these two breasts.”Nati had launched, without hesitation.

After the journalist made a football analysis about the Argentina-Chile match and the rest of the Copa América, Jota interrupted: “Hey, what area of ​​Miami do you stop at when you come?”

Gastón Edul returned Nati Jota’s compliment with a spicy proposal. Photo: YouTube Capture

The National Team will play its last game of the group stage against Peru next Saturday at the Hard Rock stadium in Miami Gardens, so Gastón will have to travel from New York to the city of Florida. Then, directly, he answered: “At the Argentine National Team hotel, Will I be close to you?”.

Both Homero and Betular joked about whether the question was directed at them, but the journalist insisted: “No, no. I asked Nati”. “I bought the Play, we can play Fifa friend,” added Pettinato, while the pastry chef added: “If you don’t want breast, I have good buttock meat from a good calf.”

“I really want to go. I am very anxious to go to the airport and take the flight. I arrived tonight. When are we going to see each other?“Edul said again. “Today I work for another program but tomorrow we can all have a meal and Then with Natuqui they do what they have to do”Damian responded.


The OLGA host and the sports journalist starred in a fun moment on air.

While Homer talked about the possibility of going out to a bowling alley, Nati reproached him that, having to work, the journalist had no free time. “But I promised you when we spoke recently, I told you ‘when I go to Miami we’ll go out’“He replied, defending himself.

“I want to ask you a favor, Gastón. Value yourself, because you are a great candidateI want you to take strength, I will always be on your side. Don’t fool around with it anymore, Nati, and if something has to happen, they talk about it now in Miami and everything… Gastón Edul is the gentleman, the great candidate. About the breast… They are offering you all the time…I ask you to behave well,” Betular said, speaking

Then, Edul added: “Let them specify… Let them not insinuate. If it remains hand in hand, let them kick the goal. You are right. “Nati has known for a long time that we were going to meet in Miami.”

Gastón Edul returned Nati Jota’s compliment with a spicy proposal. Photo: YouTube Capture

I want to get together with Gastón so they can explain some things about the National Team to me. and the Copa América that makes me a mess. To come on the air and be able to understand more of everything. To be more complete in sports,” Nati said then.

To close, the journalist sought to specify the meeting and launched: “I want to. We have to get together and talk about it. I need you to set a date and we will do it. I already told my other job that I had this pending with you.s. So it’s now in Miami, quiet. “I never had money and fear.”

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