Ian Moche reappeared on his networks with a moving message after being censored – GENTE Online

Behind the controversy that generated his time on the Juana Viale program, Ian Moche He shared a strong defense on his networks that was censored. After several hours, that video was uploaded again by her parents with a strong message written by them and, after the massive support of the entire Instagram community, the boy expressed himself publicly again.

Ian Moche in advertising Having lunch with Juana.

Ian Moche’s release after passing through the Juana Viale cycle that was censored

In detail, Ianwho has autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and works tirelessly to create “a friendlier world”, went to the aforementioned El Trece cycle and received a lot of criticism about it.

“Many They told me that I was rude, that I was unsmokablethat I had to start taking Rivotril because of anxiety, that I didn’t deserve to be on that program,” the 11-year-old explained through a video that he uploaded to his Instagram account and was later censored.

And he remarked: “I want to tell you that it was very difficult for me to be there… One of the challenges for autistic people is that it is difficult for us to socialize and understand the dynamics of the conversation… Sometimes I interrupt because they wouldn’t let me finish an idea. It was very difficult for me, because they contradicted me or told me ‘but’, They were invalidating me and that’s why I interrupted“.

Ian Moche, this Sunday, in Having lunch with Juana.

“I really wasn’t being rude, I never want to be rude“I try really hard to be good. But don’t say those things because I didn’t mean to convey that,” Ian continued.

And he added: “It was a very difficult program. If you look closely, I got up to cry three times during the program. It’s that I felt three things, that I was really wrong, that I was making a mistake and that they were invalidating me… I felt invalidated, I couldn’t speak. “They only asked me one question, then they didn’t ask me any more questions.”

Why they censored Ian Moche’s defense

The minor’s defense, which was more extensive and surprised everyone, generated an enormous amount of support messages. However, it also caused an unusual wave of 2.0 reports. “Ian’s family speaks”, his parents began by saying. And they continued: “They reported the publication so many times that @meta decided to delete it, for which we have already requested a review”.

The message from Ian’s family for the censorship of his defense.

Reporting a post or account solely for hate is also harassment. Ian’s words in the video generate nothing more or less than an explanation. “Ian is a boy,” they concluded, visibly angry.

Hours later, the boy’s parents re-uploaded the video and commented: “In this text Ian’s family speaks: He shouldn’t be giving explanations but he does. and do you know why? Because we believe that What happened is a great reflection of how backward we are as a society, where hatred reigns, because we also believe that bullying begins at home, in the family; because we believe, that Ian means ‘let’s be more friendly and empathetic’ for this kind of evil.”

The word of Ian Moche’s parents.

“The world is not prepared for autistic people, for anxious people, for those who live with hyperactivity, for those who struggle with depression. Today’s world is hostile and if each of us does NOT do our part, this will go downhill.”they added in this regard.

And they concluded: “Hateful comments incite mass hatred. Think that they could be one of you, a son, a student, a grandchild, as many of those who commented we know are mothers, fathers, grandparents, teachers. Ian is neither more nor less a child. Ian IS AND WILL BE AUTISTIC. And we are PROUD of him.”

Ian’s message after the controversy

After his parents re-uploaded their defense, and it went viral again, Ian took a few minutes of his time to respond to some messages and thank them for the support they received.

“I want to thank all the people who told me nice things and who supported me,” the boy highlighted in an Instagram story that he accompanied with yellow heart emoticons and excited faces.

Ian Moche’s message after the controversy.

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