the word of her husband, Alejandro Gravier – GENTE Online

the word of her husband, Alejandro Gravier – GENTE Online
the word of her husband, Alejandro Gravier – GENTE Online

Valeria Mazza, one of the most beloved models in our country, was in the news in the last few hours after it was reported in the media that she had undergone surgery. It is that, as revealed by the journalist Santiago Sposatoshe was admitted this Wednesday and underwent surgery in the Austral Hospital.

At first, the notary of THE M (America TV) announced: “Famous just came out of the operating room. She’s still asleep but it seems like everything went well.” Minutes later, she revealed that she was talking about Valeria Mazza and shared some details of what happened.

This morning, Valeria Mazza underwent surgery at the Austral Hospital. They removed a cyst in the cervical region and they must wait for the PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY to know its characteristics. He will be discharged shortly,” Sposato shared on his X account (former Twitter), and then on his Instagram stories.

This is how Santiago Sposato announced the scoop about Valeria Mazza.

The word of Alejandro Gravier

In response to the query of GENTE Magazine, Alejandro Gravier He told details of the surgical intervention his wife underwent and brought peace of mind to all his followers. “Thank you very much for asking. It’s very good,” the businessman began by saying.

And when asked if it was true that Valeria had had a cyst removed from her cervical region, he replied: “It’s correct, They removed a cyst from the back of his neck. Thank God everything is perfect.”

In addition, the father of Taína, Tiziano, Balthazar and Benicio Gravier said that Valeria had already received a medical discharge and was with him at home.

Valeria Mazza and Alejandro Gracier at Gente Magazine’s People of the Year gala.

Valeria Mazza’s health throughout her life

Over the years, Valeria showed herself to be a very healthy person, she really likes sports. In fact, in a note she made with the PEOPLE Magazinereferred to his youth and stated that he always avoided the night due to excesses.

“Although I am bold and daring, I like the vertigo of the new… I don’t like playing with fire. That’s why in situations that I know I won’t be able to handle, they always gave me respect and fear,” she commented.

Valeria Mazza.
Valeria Mazza’s health.

Quickly, she confessed: “Being alone and far from my country, I took care of myself. I finished a parade and left. I didn’t like this thing about the night because I felt that I was very exposed to a lot of dangers, excesses and everything you can imagine.“.

“I lived it that way. I was 19 years old, I was alone in the world and A thousand times I fantasized about ‘I’m dying and no one is going to find out’. I’ve had those thoughts, obviously. I avoided the night until Ale (Gravier) arrived and we had fun,” said the famous model.

More information in People

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