This is how Beéle’s ex-wife reacted after confirmation of his new relationship with Isabella Ladera

This is how Beéle’s ex-wife reacted after confirmation of his new relationship with Isabella Ladera
This is how Beéle’s ex-wife reacted after confirmation of his new relationship with Isabella Ladera

In recent days, the singer Brandon De Jesús López, better known as Beéle, has generated controversy on social networks, as he He announced that he had been unfaithful to his ex-wife and mother of his children Camila Rodríguez with the Venezuelan content creator Isabella Ladera.

When it was discovered what was happening, Beéle and Ladera received several criticisms on their social networks, however, it seems that this no longer bothers them, as they were recently seen enjoying Uruguay’s match against Panama in the Copa America at the Hard Rock stadium. Stadium in Miami

The video of the couple enjoying the game went viral on social networks and several Internet users have wondered what Camila Rodríguez’s reaction was like. Although, she didn’t say anything, she did post a video of herself on her TikTok account in which she made fun of this situation.

She titled the clip as: “What’s the rub, if the one who lost was me” and in the description of the video she wrote “Llorona”. Furthermore, in the video she makes a sign that makes fun of the fact that another person is crying.

It is worth mentioning that Rodríguez never mentioned that this video was for Beéle and his new partner, but several users have commented that it was possibly a hint for them.

“My queen, he who builds a castle on the sadness of others is never happy, there is something called Divine justice, God gives each person what they deserve, leave everything to him, be happy”; “You are a Lady, never a second table dish”; “She reigns in so many languages ​​and you decided to speak the truth,” with some of the most notable comments.

How was Beéle’s infidelity discovered?

It all started because the singer Beéle began to be linked to a Venezuelan content creator on social networks. This surprised his followers, since he had been in a relationship since he was 16 with Camila Rodríguez, his ex-wife and mother of his two children.

In the midst of speculation, Rodríguez decided to speak publicly about the situation of his marriage. “The problems are not from now, they come from a long time ago,” he confessed, revealing that he discovered Beéle’s infidelity while she was pregnant with her first child.

Through two extensive videos on TikTok, Rodríguez explained that, after the birth of their first child, they decided to continue fighting for their family. However, during her second pregnancy last year, she found conversations with other women on the 21-year-old Colombian singer’s cell phone.

“I cried, I told him why he did that to me, that I had asked him to give me a peaceful pregnancy, to not be like that with me. He apologized and said he would not do it again,” recalled the 25-year-old woman. . Furthermore, she added that after giving birth to her second child and suffering from preeclampsia, Beéle did not accompany her as she expected. “I was in the ICU for five days and Brandon was forced to because my family asked him to.”

Finally, Rodriguez referred to the content creator. “What I saw on her cell phone There were many conversations, with many women, it is not just you my queen, you are one of many. “I have asked him for a divorce several times, but he leaves and says he is not going to fight with me.”

After the scandal, Beéle had a conversation with the media ‘Los 40’ and the announcers asked him if at any point in his life he had been unfaithful: “Yes, I have been unfaithful, I think I am human and there are times when you have to accept mistakes,” he revealed.




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