Jonathan Montenegro remembers his time at Menudo with Carmen Victoria Pérez

Jonathan Montenegro remembers his time at Menudo with Carmen Victoria Pérez
Jonathan Montenegro remembers his time at Menudo with Carmen Victoria Pérez

The actor Jonathan Montenegro He has recalled that he has always been considered one of the most important figures in our country. The actor, who currently resides in the United Statesbegan in the artistic world when he was barely 5 years old and over time, he has explored different arts.

His first participation on the small screen was in the “Romulo Gallegos Cycle”. Later, we saw it in “Rebeca” starring Tatiana Capote and Franklin VirguezFrom that moment on, the Caracas native began to have more appearances on Venezuelan television, specifically in RCTV.

Jonathan has also worked in film and theater, arts that he combined with his passion for soap operas.

Juan Corazón was one of the characters who served as a guide to continue developing on the stage, with the musicals “Los Hokins” and “Entre perros y gatos”. On December 10, 1990, his golden opportunity arrived: to be the only South American to participate in the great band Menudo.

With the group, he had the opportunity to increase his popularity at just 12 years old. She traveled to several countries such as Peru, Colombia, Puerto Rico, El Salvador, Costa Rica and the United States.

Jonathan and ‘La Flaca’

Recently, Montenegro posted a video on his social media in which he remembered that year 1991 when he was invited to the Ronda Awards organized by our Dearmas Block. In that edition, he was accompanied by the group.

At the meeting with Carmen Victoria Perezspoke about the experience of belonging to the famous band. “I feel very happy to be here at the Ronda Awards and for me it is a great honor to represent my country in all parts of the world,” he expressed at the time.

“This is the new Venezuela!”‘La Flaca’ noted. For the year, Montenegro was in the first year of high school and still had time to fulfill her work as a member of Slight.

“Menudo’s abuses”

The presence of Montenegro in the group lasted only one year, and he was one of the four members who resigned after his colleagues Sergio Blass and Rubén Gómez were found with marijuana purchased at the Miami airport.

Last year, statements from other former members emerged in which they spoke of the abuses they suffered during their time at Menudoso Jonathan decided to raise his voice. “When you are a child, you are not clear about what your rights are. I witnessed screams and violent moments with some of the members of my generation; I saw it, no one told me about it,” said.

Regarding the documentary that uncovered (once again) the dark past of the band, the Creole admitted the abuses by the creator and manager, Edgardo Diaz.

Regarding the psychological and physical damage that he experienced in the last months before his retirement, Montenegro indicated that “There were situations that were not justifiable, such as, for example, I had hepatitis and I had to work while sick, and we perfectly understand that your liver can explode if you do not take the appropriate measures.”

“But I also understood that we had a very important agenda that could not be stopped, so there was a dilemma between health and professional responsibility. We often had to work while unwell because our health was delicate.”he added.

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