Connie Ansaldi explained why she distanced herself from the media: “I never felt part of it”

Connie Ansaldi explained why she distanced herself from the media: “I never felt part of it”
Connie Ansaldi explained why she distanced herself from the media: “I never felt part of it”

Written in SHOWS he 6/28/2024 · 09:01 a.m.

Several years, Connie Ansaldi She has stayed away from the media. In her passage through Night al Dente (America), the influencer explained the reason for this decision.

“I stopped working in television six years ago. Something crazy happened to me, which I always tell people about, and that is that, even when I worked in television, I never felt part of it.”said Connie.

And he specified: “I didn’t feel like I was in my place. Not because I got along badly with people or anything but I never felt like I was at home or in my safe place. Something always made me noise or I wanted something more. In fact, I had another job, I always had my agency.”

Additionally, the influencer revealed why the only program she usually goes to is LAM. “First, because Angel is a guy who has been very good to me, but not now, but all his life. For me, he is a guy who has a lot of codes, something that is not abundant in the media.”he stressed.

“And secondly, because I feel comfortable, I enjoy going there, it doesn’t put any pressure on me.”he added.

The influencer also referred to the controversy that was generated with Cuxan app he created that offers psychological assistance using artificial intelligence.

“What makes me angry about ignorant people is not that they are ignorant, because I am ignorant in many things, which is why I am curious and a perpetual learner, but what is difficult about ignorant people is when they want to remain ignorant. That is what is dangerous.”he sentenced.

“And what made me angry about what happened with Cux, who has a huge interdisciplinary team behind him, is that they didn’t bother to look at where it says what it’s about because they would have seen that it says ‘we’re not trying to replace doctors, professionals, or psychiatrists’.”he stressed.

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