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The 3 strong words that Prince William said to Harry when he left the British Royal House

Before the state of health of the members of the British Royal House monopolized the attention, there was a controversy that opened a schism between the English royals: the departure of Prince Harry (39 years old) and his wife, Meghan Markle, as public figures of royalty. A step back that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex took after feeling harassed by the press and totally abandoned by the institution to which they belonged.

Since then, all eyes were fixed on the relationships between them and the Windsor family. Especially, the relationship that was most interesting was that of Prince William (41 years old) and his little brother. Diana Spencer’s children They were neck and neck for years. Despite having different characters and responsibilities, both princes supported each other every step of the way.


However, as they grew up, tensions began to arise between them. Some rivalries and anger that would have opened a gap between them that came to an end. highest point with the famous interview that Harry and Meghan offered to Oprah Winfrey, their documentary on ‘Netflix’ and the book ‘In the Shadow’, in which the Duke of Sussex shared private details of his life within the English Crown.

William’s three strong words to Harry

It was this great exhibition the one that led Kate Middleton’s husband (42 years old) to want to keep his brother out of his life. After all the media commotion and as a result of the personal blows they were suffering, Harry tried to get closer to Guillermo to settle all tension among them. It was when they saw each other face to face, for the first time, since his departure. A request for peace to which the future king responded bluntly: “You’re gone, Harold.”

Three forceful and ironic words with which the eldest son of Charles III made it more than clear that He wasn’t thinking of getting closer to his brother.. A way of saying that, now, he had to fend for himself. This answer surprised Harry a lot, as he tells in his book and now collects ‘The Mirror’, since he expected some empathy on Guillermo’s part.


After recovering from the surprise, Markle’s husband managed to respond. “Yes, and you know why,” he said, trying to make her brother understand the more than obvious reasons that had led them to distance themselves from her. “No, I do not know”, the heir to the throne would have said. This new answer left Harry completely exhausted:

“My beloved brother, now my archenemy. How did that happen?” […] I felt tremendously tired. […] I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. It was one thing to disagree about who was to blame or how things could have been different, but that he claimed total ignorance of the reasons why I left…”, he wrote.

In this situation, Harry would have sought help from his father, Charles III, that was present. However, upon looking at him, she understood that he was alone. “I turned to Dad. He was looking at me with an expression that said, ‘Me neither,'” she says in her book. This revelation made the young prince think that “if they didn’t know why he had left me, perhaps, They simply didn’t know me. Absolutely. And maybe they never really did.”

The terrible adjective that Harry used to define his father Charles III and his brother William

This phrase would have taken place on the same occasion that Harry describes in his work with a terrible adjective. It was during the Duke of Sussex’s trip to the United Kingdom for the funeral of Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, when he, Charles and William would have met. Apparently, taking advantage of this trip, Meghan Markle’s husband wanted to meet his father and her brother to “to talk about the state of things.”


Seeing them arrive, Harry was surprised by the attitude of both of them.. “Then, finally, I saw them. Shoulder to shoulder, walking towards me, they looked grim, almost threatening. In fact, they seemed very aligned,” he notes in his book. A union that, according to him, was not there before, but that his departure had brought about. “Usually They would be fighting over one thing or another., but now they seemed to be in unison, in a league. The idea occurred to me: Wait, are we meeting for a walk… or to duel? “, the prince mused in his book.

Jennie Bond, expert on the British Royal Family, tells the reason why Harry will never return to his family

These tensions, arguments and misunderstanding have meant that, in recent years, the relationship between Harry and the Windsors has been practically non-existent and very tense. Something that was more than evident in the last visit of the Duke of Sussex on the occasion of the Invictus Games. In this regard, ‘The Sun’ wanted to echo the words of Jennie Bond, an expert on the British Royal Family who has covered everything related to this family for years.

For this ‘BBC’ journalist, Prince Harry will never again be part of the English Crown. The reason? He has found “the freedom he longed for, the wife he loves and the children he adores.” This is very important for the prince, since he would have achieved “the model of domestic happiness that he did not have in his own adolescence,” says Bond.

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