review (E5, ‘Northern Wind’)

«Second death» has issued this past Thursday, June 27 its final chapter. With the return of Alex Rodrigo at the head of the direction, the third act resumes the investigative pretensions to resolve, once and for all, the double murder of Juliana Cobián and her daughter Soledad.

We start with a summary of the facts that will be implied spoilers of what has happened so far in the series (EYE! If you don’t want us to hump you, stop reading now).

We resume the plot just after Castro surrenders before the Civil Guard as guilty of murder of Isidrowhich he actually perpetrated Sandraprotagonist of the series, girlfriend of the young man and mother of his son. Castrowho helped Sandra dispose of the body, is able to give the agents the exact location of it and the murder weapon, which earns him the immediate re-entry into prison after having finished a sentence for drug trafficking no less than a week ago. Sandra and Tellohis father, They propose to solve the case of Juliana and Soledadthus hoping to find Isidro guilty and that this justifies his murder in the eyes of the law.

The first thing we see in the chapter is Tello going to visit Castro in prison to involve you in your strategy. The short conversation What they maintain makes Tello doubt everything he thinks he knows about the young man, whom he himself put in jail years ago out of a desire to keep him away from the lives of his daughter and grandson.

However, tello (which is probably the first time he sits down to talk with Castro) She discovers that her daughter’s boyfriend is an honest man what is willing to spend his life behind barsserving a sentence for a crime he did not commit, if this can ensure the well-being of Sandra and Dani.

tello Then open your eyes and surrenders to researchputting into practice everything that he had practiced for years as UCO agent. Forced retired man of action, «The mountain« is re-activated seeking a resolution to the crime, something that also brings him closer to his daughter and seems to momentarily repair a relationship broken years ago. So, Sandra and Tello move heaven and earth looking for a question to which they think they know the answer:and yet none of the pieces fit. The police put obstacles in the investigation, but this stops them, determined to find the key to free Castro.

They re-appear Claudia Cobo, Marina, Jano, the Yellow and the Seitén familyin a continuous game of accusations ending with the youngest son of the last, Rodrigo, committing suicide in the middle of the interrogation, driven by guilt. The chapter ends with Sandra and Tello arrivingsimultaneously, to the same conclusion in two different places: the man they have been looking for all this time is Janus Lavín, Marina Cobián’s husband and Juliana’s brother-in-law. Jano hits Tello at the base of the skull, and the ex-agent remains, motionless, on the ground while bleeding.

The screen fades to black in a cliffhanger which we will have to wait until July 4 to see resolved.

Review of ‘North wind‘, penultimate chapter of «Second Death»

The return of Oscar Pedraza at the helm makes a difference in a third act start that seems to re-find itself. Sandra recovers her detective interests with the resolution of a mystery that seems to be motivated by Castro’s release from prison, but that in reality responds more to quenching his thirst for action and intellectual stimulation. Tello’s return to work rejuvenates himthus magically making all traces of Parkinson’s that were announced in chapter four disappear.

The interpretations regain organicity In this chapter, although the script by Agustín Martínez has a desire to put in two or three grandiloquent sentences and sentencing by chapter, that do not fit into the scenes nor in the general code of the series. The plans are more careful that in the two previous chapters, with a Fantastic sequence of the typical “clue board” of the thriller police which, when the police took all the evidence from Sandra’s house, is left empty. However, the young woman’s eidetic memory gives us one of the best scenes in the series.

He problem main of ‘North wind’ is the little congruence which is in keeping with the previous chapters. DannySandra’s son, disappear as soon as his presence bothers; Claudia Cobo reappears out of nowhere (from Santander) as soon as the narrative needs it, and various characters mentioned in passing three or four chapters ago (Jano, Rodrigo and his father) suddenly acquire a fundamental role for the outcome.

Knowing that this is the mechanism that uses its outcome, «Second death» could have benefited from a single issueallowing us to watch all the episodes in one go and unite faces, characters and families more easily.

The Photography of the series remains in its spectacular line, this being, together with the image editing Yet the art directionthe strong points of thriller Cantabrian. It is worth dedicating a paragraph to talk about these last two disciplines: editing does of the immersion carried out by Sandra and Tello in the Setién pomace distillery a passage of colors between the magical and the darkwhile the art department of the series has ensured that Sandra’s house is warm, a real homelabyrinthine and with personality.

Although we miss a certain element of magical realism which seemed to be incited in the plot with the continuous mentions of the ojáncanu of the first two chapters, we are pleased to confirm that the series has recovered its reason for beingand weekly we are closer to solving the mystery of Juliana’s double death, which gives its name to the fiction.Second death» comes to an end on Thursday, July 4, with its sixth and final chapter, in Movistar Plus+.

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