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Fátima Florez canceled a note to Luis Ventura, and he burst out live: It’s a…

In the middle of the story, the journalist assured that Florez’s representative, Guillermo Marin, It has nothing to do with the matter. “I have no doubt that this is not due to Marín’s decision. I think he made the best decision, he called me and it is evident that something happened to Fátima,” express.

Then, he continued and detailed: “The 15 minutes passed, more time passed, more time, more time. Then, since he didn’t call, I called. And then he tells me, how are you coming? Well, come 7:45 p.m. and I’ll give you a heads-up.”

“There they looked for a car, I went with the car, I finished changing, I put on my makeup, I went there and at 7:45 p.m. I was at the door. I got out of the car and when I was going to get in, I received the message saying that I apologized” , he continued.

The panelist Cora Debarbieriupon listening to Ventura, said: “If Nelson Castro goes, it is obvious that he is going to ask him about politics. “It is also a lack of respect on the part of the producer and Fátima Florez, it is a lack of respect for them to suspend an interview at the last minute.”

Marcelo Polino spoke without a filter about the separation of Fátima Florez and Javier Milei: “It affected her a lot”

Journalist Marcelo Polino was a guest at DDM (America TV)driving cycle Mariana Fabbianiand spoke of the separation of Fatima Florez and the president Javier Milei.

Polino, who worked alongside the impersonator in the show Fátima 100% in the summer season in Mar del Plata, revealed details of the love breakup: “On the 15th we do Luna Park, the show is divine, Fátima plays about twenty characters, there are monologues, there is a live band. She is going to continue with the imitation of her to Milei, They had a good relationship, there is communication, I believe that love always remains.”

And I add: “She came back separated, she is very focused, she is alone. When they don’t tell things that aren’t real, it gets bad, it was complicated. I suppose Milei is empathetic with her, because if there continues to be communication…

Months ago, when the couple had just separated, Florez assured: “The important thing is that this was consensual, that this was really discussed, that the relationship is beautiful and the bond is intact. It is a statement of common agreement and it is super discussed, it was bilateral.”

Also, regarding the reason for their breakup, he argued: “We separated because really look at the moment he has… it is a big responsibility on his shoulders so we are all supporting him, it is a difficult moment.”

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