the superfood that helps generate muscle mass and lose weight

the superfood that helps generate muscle mass and lose weight
the superfood that helps generate muscle mass and lose weight

To obtain changes in your physical appearance You must maintain exercise routines, either by joining a gym or practicing a sport that helps you meet your goals with the help of an expert.

(Also read: Which foods are rich in omega-3 and what health benefits do they have? Here’s the list).

It is important that you implement a diet adjusted to your needs, since diet is a fundamental factor when it comes to losing weight or gaining muscle mass. A superfood that could contribute to your physical change is spirulina, a single-celled algae that stands out for its nutritional value, according to ‘CuídatePlus’.

What benefits does blue spirulina provide?

Blue spirulina contains antioxidant, protein, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anticancer, immunostimulant and nephroprotective properties, it has vitamin B12, calcium and iron, according to ‘Green Ecology’.

Its consumption can help fabric construction, since the protein in this product serves to build your muscles or recover them, so It is usually recommended for athletes seeking muscle gain and the elderly.

Its antioxidants prevent premature aging, promoting collagen production, strengthening hair and nails, due to its ability to slow the oxidation of molecules.

(Of interest: This smoothie helps combat knee pain and promotes collagen generation).

In addition, it improves digestive health thanks to its high fiber content and low calorie content, which can benefit you if what you want is reduce your weightacting as a prebiotic and a mild laxative, thus obtaining intestinal balance, according to ‘El Cronista’.

It fights fatigue due to its content of B complex vitamins and iron, which gives you more energy and gives you greater physical resistance. Reduces bad cholesterol levels and triglycerides in the blood.

However, You should be careful, since its consumption is not recommended for pregnant women or breastfeeding children. nor to those people who suffer from hyperuricemia, hyperthyroidism, phenylketonuria, liver diseases and autoimmune pathologies, according to ‘CuídatePlus’.

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