exploring the exercise of communication – Unab Radio

exploring the exercise of communication – Unab Radio
exploring the exercise of communication – Unab Radio

Made by: Andrea Bayona, Unab Radio.

This May 22, the Social Communication program of the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga presents the discussion “Professional dialogues in the practice of communication: an everyday and immersive look.”

Experts in journalism, organizational communication, social change and digital marketing share their experiences and knowledge, providing attendees with a broad and diverse perspective on the field of communication.

This event is aimed at students and future professionals interested in communication.

Ivonne Rocío Ortiz, organizational social communicator, comments that the event addresses the challenges of the new generations.

“The methodology of this meeting is designed in the challenge that these generations take on and that is why four experts are brought in from journalism, digital communication and marketing, social change and organizational communication, to bring young people closer to a task in the that there are some limits, also some critical moments and sensitive points that fundamentally recognize that crucial priority part and of a job that must be put at the service of social and corporate actors.”

During the event, participants have the opportunity to interact with speakers, ask questions and contribute their own ideas, fostering a dynamic and enriching dialogue.

For Juan David Moreno, member of the general organizing committee of the event, the main objective of this discussion is to provide participants with a practical and updated vision of the challenges and opportunities faced by communication professionals in the contemporary world.

“The main purpose of this discussion is to create a space for reflection and learning where we can learn first-hand about the experiences and knowledge of outstanding professionals in four fundamental areas of communication, which are digital communication and marketing, organizational communication, journalism and social change.” .

In addition, the importance of effective communication management in various contexts is addressed, from social to corporate and digital, highlighting how a solid strategy can positively influence public perceptions and the reputation of organizations and companies.

The conversation takes place this Wednesday, May 22, at 2 pm in the Alfonso Gómez Gómez Minor Auditorium, of the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga.

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