The ideal exercise to apply before playing sports and prevent serious injuries

The ideal exercise to apply before playing sports and prevent serious injuries
The ideal exercise to apply before playing sports and prevent serious injuries


Exercising is one of the habits that doctors advise to maintain a healthy state of the body and a calm mind focused on our purpose. Besides, reduces the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases, excessive weight gain and preserves a stable glucose level, among other things. However, there are certain steps that are often overlooked before implementing adequate physical activity, which, in the long term, would represent a greater problem for our muscles and joints. That is why there is a simple and quick instruction, so you can implement before starting your routine.

One of the previous suggestions, before starting with the usual, It’s the warm-up, very necessary to prepare our body for sports impact. This is something that not everyone usually repeats and that can cause disorders and injuries. For this, there is an ideal method, which will not take up too much of your time and ensures muscle strengthening before physical practice.

By replicating the following steps you will be able to quickly and effectively lengthen your muscles. And this way you will be ready to start your physical activity sequence without problems. This suggestion focuses on the ankles, hips, shoulders, back and thighs.

This exercise will help you stretch your back, ankles, thighs, arms and hips(Source: Sportllife)

According to the American institution Mayo Clinic – dedicated to the dissemination of medical information – stretching prior to physical activity, can improve performance laterso in addition to preventing injuries, it will help our body gradually enter the routine.

After various investigations, it was found that stretching helps improve flexibility and range of joint motion. It even increases blood flow to the muscles, allowing the muscles to work more effectively and improving the ability to do daily activities.

Some tips suggested by the organization indicate:

The importance of stretching before and after physical exercise helps prevent injuriesShutterstock

If you already suffer from a muscle strain or rather, suffered an accident, don’t force your body to respond to its maximum. In these cases, it is suggested to consult with a specialist doctor to coordinate certain exercises that prevent a major and lasting injury.


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