What is the fruit that controls and prevents type 2 diabetes, according to Harvard experts

What is the fruit that controls and prevents type 2 diabetes, according to Harvard experts
What is the fruit that controls and prevents type 2 diabetes, according to Harvard experts

The symptoms of type 2 diabetes usually develop slowly, many times people have the disease for years without knowing it

The type 2 diabetes Associated with the “pandemic” of obesity causes cases to appear at increasingly younger ages.

It is that although the Diabetes type 1 -also known as insulin-dependent- is more common at younger ages, while type 2 tended to appear in older adults, obesity rates since childhood around the world led to the appearance of more cases of type 2 diabetes in older people. youths.

The good news is that, since it is related to excess weight, a healthy life style, Although it does not reverse the disease, it will help regulate blood sugar levels and keep it under control.

Rich in fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants, the apple is one of the fruits with the most health benefits (Getty)

A study involving some 340,000 people in eight European countries, of whom 9,754 had recently been diagnosed with diabetes, revealed that people who consumed more fruits and vegetableswith higher levels of plant nutrients in their blood, had a 25% to 50% lower risk of developing diabetes during the study period, compared to those who consumed fewer of these foods or had lower levels of the nutrients .

Likewise, according to experts from the Harvard University“the equivalent of only two thirds of a medium apple or just over a third of a cup of mixed fruits each day offered protection.”

Type 2 diabetes is one of the chronic diseases that has grown the most in recent times, driven by the increase in obesity around the world (Getty)

As mentioned, type 2 diabetes was previously called adult-onset diabetes, but currently it occurs increasingly in adolescents and children as a consequence of increasing rates of childhood obesity.

Experts from the Mayo Clinic They explained that “it is a condition that is caused by a problem in the way the body regulates and uses sugar levels as fuel.”

“In type 2 diabetes, there are mainly two problems,” they pointed out. The pancreas does not produce enough insulin, a hormone that regulates the movement of sugar in cells. And the cells do not respond appropriately to insulin and consume less sugar.”

The symptoms of type 2 diabetes usually develop slowly, many times people have the disease for years without knowing it, which is why it is considered one of the “silent” pathologies.

Thirst is one of the most common manifestations of diabetes (Getty)

When there are symptoms, these may be:

  • Increased thirst
  • Frequent urination
  • Increased hunger
  • Unintentional weight loss
  • Fatigue
  • Blurry vision
  • Slow healing sores
  • Frequent infections
  • Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet
  • Areas of darkened skin, usually in the armpits and neck

Leading a healthy lifestyle and a diet rich in fruits and vegetables translates into better health (Getty)

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” It is the Spanish version of the English saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. It is simply a reminder that eating apples—or fruits and vegetables in general—is beneficial for your health. It seems that this fruit, along with red berries, grapes and tea, protects heart health when consumed daily.

A review of more than 150 studies concluded that the cause is flavanols, a chemical, also found in red wine and dark chocolate, that can improve blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Thus, according to experts, consuming the equivalent of an apple, some red fruits and two cups of tea per day provides approximately 500 mg of flavonols, a bioactive compound. good for your health.

If it comes to keeping blood sugar levels under control, there is one apple that is better than the other (Illustrative image Infobae)

Whether it’s red or green, It is always good to include apples in your diet, for the reasons mentioned above. Rich in fiber, vitamin C and antioxidantsis one of the fruits with the most health benefits.

A no less important fact is that the apple is a food with a low glycemic index, so it enters the bloodstream more slowly, which reduces blood sugar spikes.

However, when it comes to keeping blood sugar levels under control, there is one that is better than the other, according to specialists.

In that sense, the most indicated are green apples, because red apples have more sugar and that is why they have a sweeter flavor. And although most of the sugar in an apple is in the form of natural fructose, which can have a different effect on the body than other sugars, for people with diabetes it will always be better for what they consume to impact their values ​​as little as possible. of glycemia.

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