They will provide the Centenario hospital with high technology for the detection of ophthalmic pathologies

They will provide the Centenario hospital with high technology for the detection of ophthalmic pathologies
They will provide the Centenario hospital with high technology for the detection of ophthalmic pathologies

They will provide Centennial Provincial Hospital (HPC) of a team of optical coherence tomography that will allow the provider to provide quality care, a correct and timely diagnosis and treatment of ophthalmic pathologies.

The provision of the device will be very useful to meet the healthcare requirements of the hospital, whose target population consists of the entire Littoral regionwhich covers the provinces of Santa Fe, Entre Ríos, Corrientes, north of the province of Buenos Aires, east of the province of Córdoba and south of the province of Santiago del Estero.

In addition, the HPC could serve as a recipient of patients referred from other public providers in the area for the use of the new available technology. The project is considered “humanitarian” and is called: “The vision of the future. Contributing to the ophthalmic health of the Argentine coast.”

The initiative has local sponsors, among which are: Rotary clubs of Rosario (Santa Fe, Argentina), at the initiative of the Rotary Club of Rosario. Participating: Rotary Club Rosario, Rotary Club Rosario Norte, Oeste, Plaza de la Bandera, Sud and Ovidio Lagos.

They also made their contribution international sponsorssuch as: Rotary Club of Mérida-Itzaes (Yucatán, Mexico), Rotary Club of Chicago (Illinois, USA) and two more Rotary clubs with contributions in negotiation.

Project description

In a global society based on the ability to see, vision problems have far-reaching consequences for individuals, their families and caregivers. Timely access to quality medical diagnostic care greatly influences the impact of eye conditions.

The ophthalmic pathologies They affect more than 2 billion people worldwide, and at least 1 billion people have visual deficiencies due to these pathologies, which could have been avoided with adequate diagnosis and treatment (World Vision Report, WHO, 2020). .

The Centenario Provincial Hospital receives between 35,000 and 40,000 consultations per year due to any of the aforementioned ophthalmic pathologies. Unfortunately, many treatments for ophthalmic pathologies are often delayed due to the lack of equipment for correct diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.

Around the 25% of these pathologies require optical coherence tomography imageswhich is not available to the hospital, and only some more seriously ill patients can be referred to private providers in the city.

Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is a method that allows the acquisition of virtual images of unusual perfection of various ocular structures. This allows a degree of perfection and diagnostic certainty, unimaginable until recently. It also makes it possible to carefully follow the evolution of the different cases based on exquisitely objective data, which do not suffer from the bias of interprofessional observation.

The population targeted by the project is 8,000 – 10,000 adults per year. The budget is USD 52,920 + VAT 10.5% ≃ USD 58,500. Amount committed by foreign sponsors: USD 8,000. Amount committed by local sponsors: USD 13,000.

Committed amount by the Rosario Medical Sciences Foundation: USD 5,000. FDD: USD 7,000. LFR counterpart: USD 5,500. Amount that still needs to be raised: $20,000.

The Medical Sciences Foundation of the city of Rosario, together with the Centenario Provincial Hospital, are responsible for the service sustainability provided and of the continuous team’s functioning to provide. The hospital has a highly specialized maintenance area that will take care of the maintenance of the equipment.

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