Carlos David Case: Forensic Medicine opinion made on the young man’s body is uncovered

Carlos David Case: Forensic Medicine opinion made on the young man’s body is uncovered
Carlos David Case: Forensic Medicine opinion made on the young man’s body is uncovered

In the midst of the investigation of the case of the death of Carlos David Ruiz, 25 years old, the Forensic Medicine opinion made on the young man’s corpse. Carlos David was found dead 36 hours after attending an electronic music festival at the Corferias fairgrounds, Bogotá.

The autopsy performed on the body of Carlos David determined that the cause of death was drowning. According to the report, the young man fell into a water tank, where he met his end after last several minutes without being able to breathe. It would not have been because of the violent impact.

Likewise, the body He also had multiple blows, which confirms the injuries he suffered when he fell.

Furthermore, in the toxicological analysis taken of the young man’s blood, traces of a mixture of hallucinogenic substances were found, specifically cocaine, cough and alcohol.

Despite these findings, the forensic report It does not conclude whether Carlos David’s death was the result of suicide or homicide. The investigation remains open, and authorities are evaluating all possibilities.

A significant aspect of the report is that, although drug use was not the direct cause of death, it apparently influenced in the decisions the young man made that fatal night.

Carlos David would have jumped twice

The hypothesis that is currently gaining more strength is that Carlos David twice climbed a scaffolding that was close to the water tanks that served as a counterweight to the structures of the platform.

In his first attempt to jump, he did not succeed, but in the second attempt, which turned out to be fatal, he did not get up again; However, this theory remains under analysis, and authorities are considering other aspects to fully understand what happened.

Are there more involved in the death of Carlos David?

The Prosecutor’s Office has so far ruled out the intervention of third parties in the young man’s death, which would confirm that there is no evidence of a direct criminal act planned by another person. However, the investigation continues focused on the place of the events, Corferias, and the Baum Festival, where Carlos David was last seen alive.

This case has generated widespread media attention and concern among those attending mass events and the authorities. Safety at venues and during festivals is now a major point of discussion.

As the investigation continues, authorities are expected to provide more details that will allow completely clarify the circumstances of the death of Carlos David.

You can see | Colmenares Case and its similarities with Carlos David Ruiz, who died in Corferias

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