Carlos David Ruiz: Forensic Medicine revealed a fatal mixture of substances in the young man’s body

Carlos David Ruiz: Forensic Medicine revealed a fatal mixture of substances in the young man’s body
Carlos David Ruiz: Forensic Medicine revealed a fatal mixture of substances in the young man’s body

The autopsy also revealed that the cause of death was drowning, after falling into the water tank. We tell you.

Carlos David Ruiz Molina, a young man from Valledupar, Cesar, lived in Bogotá and completed his Business Administration degree at the Javeriana University. Photo: social networks

In the last few hours, new details have been revealed about the strange death of Carlos David Ruiz in the middle of the Baum Festival, at the International Business and Exhibition Center of Bogotá (Corferias). A recent Forensic Medicine opinion indicated that his body had multiple blows and a mixture of substances in his blood, which has added more controversy to the case.

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After the electronic music event, his body was found in a water tank at the convention center. According to the Forensic Medicine report, published by Semana, traces of tusi, cocaine and alcohol were found in his blood, which suggests that these substances were consumed together. The autopsy also revealed that the cause of death was drowning, after falling into the water tank.

The case has generated criticism towards those responsible for security at the fairgrounds. It is alleged that, despite being aware of the death, the authorities were not immediately informed. This lack of timely action has been a point of controversy in the investigations, and many are calling for speed in the investigations and sanctions for those responsible.

Was it launched twice?

Despite the findings, the Forensic Medicine report does not conclude whether the death was the result of an accident, an intentional situation or a homicide.

The investigation remains open and authorities are evaluating all possibilities. Although drug use was not the direct cause of death, it could have influenced Carlos David’s decisions that night. One of the current hypotheses is that the young man twice climbed a scaffolding near the water tanks.

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On his first attempt to dive, he failed, but on the second fatal attempt, he was unable to get out of the tank. This theory is under analysis as authorities consider other aspects of the incident.

Are there third parties involved in the death of Carlos David?

So far, the Prosecutor’s Office has ruled out the intervention of third parties in the death, suggesting that there is no evidence of a direct criminal act. However, the investigation continues to focus on the scene and the event where Carlos David was last seen alive.

This tragic case has generated great media attention and concern among those attending massive events. Security at these events is now a crucial point of discussion between authorities and organizers.

As the investigation progresses, authorities are expected to provide more details that fully clarify the circumstances of Carlos David Ruiz’s death.

Don’t forget to read: ‘They knew the body was there, but they hid it so as not to affect the festival’, written about the death of Carlos David

Additionally, it is expected that measures will be implemented to prevent similar incidents in the future. Carlos David Ruiz was buried in Valledupar, his hometown, while investigations continue.

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