Video: Mayor of Nogales escapes from health officials and suffers a severe fall

Video: Mayor of Nogales escapes from health officials and suffers a severe fall
Video: Mayor of Nogales escapes from health officials and suffers a severe fall

The mayor of Nogales, Margarita Osorio suffered a severe fall this Wednesday, when she was escaping from a group of health officials, who came to the municipal council to protest the suicide of a colleague.

The event occurred this Wednesday morning, when after the council, workers from the National Confederation of Municipal Health Officials came to “demand justice” for the official who took his own life, Chilevisión reports.

According to union leadersthe “successive situations of harassment and work overwhelm by the mayor, Mrs. Margarita Osorio,” would have influenced the worker’s decision to take his own life.

The situation was discussed by one of the councilors, to which Osorio became upset, who decided to leave the place and began to run, falling at the entrance to a police station, which was recorded on video.

From Confusam they regretted the episode and dismissed the accusations that the mayor had been pushed, arguing that in the video it is clearly seen that the communal authority lost its balance alone.

“We reject this violent act (…) and from now on we announce that we will take all legal actions that our organization deems,” indicated from Confusam.

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