Vaccines in dogs and cats, synonymous with well-being – G5noticias

Vaccines in dogs and cats, synonymous with well-being – G5noticias
Vaccines in dogs and cats, synonymous with well-being – G5noticias

An important part of responsible pet ownership is taking care of the vaccinations they need to ensure their good health and well-being, keeping the schedule up to date, according to the recommendations of experts.

Generally speaking, puppies and kittens should begin vaccinations between 8 and 10 weeks of age, so the first step when deciding to have a pet at home is to schedule a visit to the veterinarian before moving on to that stage.

Most vaccines are injected as part of a series, and a year after the last vaccine in that series, your dog or cat will need corresponding booster shots.

In turn, vaccines respond to a protocol, and it is the veterinarian who determines it based on factors such as the health conditions of each puppy or kitten, its age, antibodies derived from the mother, exposure to certain diseases and risks. as well as the duration of immunity and effectiveness of available vaccines.

Basic vaccines

“Another important factor as a guardian or owner of a pet is to keep the vaccine book or notebook in good condition and take to each consultation (generally given for the first time by the specialist himself), as it will allow you to keep track of each new dose. and the next dates,” explains Axel Haleby, Purina veterinarian.

Depending on each context, consider that these are the immunizations that your veterinarian could recommend for your puppy or kitten:


– From 6 weeks: Parvovirus +/- distemper virus.
– At 2 months: Polyvalent (parvovirus, distemper, parainfluenza, hepatitis
+/- leptospira).
– At 3 months: Reinforcement of the multivalent vaccine.
– At 4 months: Multipurpose booster and rabies vaccine.
– At 12 months: Reinforcements of multivalent vaccines and against rabies.


– At 2 months: Trivalent (rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and panleukopenia).
– At 3 months: Trivalent reinforcement.
– At 4 months: Trivalent booster and rabies vaccine.

– At 12 months: Trivalent and rabies vaccine boosters.

It is key to be rigorous in visits to the veterinarian, because this schedule varies according to the level of risk of contagion of these diseases in each area, without mentioning the presence of other pathologies or particular situations that require an extra vaccination. For example, the rabies vaccine is governed by different parameters.

Now, what can happen if you do not comply with the vaccination schedule that your pet requires for its well-being? By not being immunized, you would be exposed to contracting some of these diseases:

Parvovirus. Viral disease that can seriously affect the digestive system. It is spread from dog to dog, and its symptoms include vomiting, dehydration, bloody diarrhea, lethargy, loss of appetite and weakness. In severe cases it can cause death.

Distemper. It is also viral and compromises the respiratory and digestive systems, leading to a series of serious symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, cough, conjunctivitis, pneumonia and encephalitis. In more severe cases, this condition can also have effects on the nervous system.

Rage. Viral disease that damages the central nervous system. It is zoonotic, that is, it can affect all mammals and indicates that there is a risk of being transmitted from animals to humans. It is acquired through saliva, so a bite or even a scratch from an infected animal is enough to infect another.

In summary, vaccination is crucial to guarantee the well-being and quality of life of our puppies and kittens, as they act as protective shields, strengthening their immune system and preventing potentially fatal diseases. Following the vaccination schedule is essential to establish a solid immunological foundation.

Therefore, in the case of dogs, the puppy’s socialization, such as walks, should be limited until the essential vaccines are administered, or limited to safe places and with other pets with their vaccination up to date, thus ensuring complete protection. The booster schedules during the first year should not be overlooked, as they guarantee the effectiveness of the initial vaccines.

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