Does apple cider vinegar help you lose weight?

Does apple cider vinegar help you lose weight?
Does apple cider vinegar help you lose weight?

Apple cider vinegar has gained popularity in recent years as a possible weight loss ally. Many people have incorporated it into their daily routine in the hopes of burning those extra kilos. However, how effective is it really? Harvard University has investigated this topic and here we share their findings with you.

He Apple vinager It is a type of vinegar made from fermented apples. During the fermentation process, the apples They decompose and produce acetic acid, the main component of this type of vinegar. This acid is responsible for many of the health benefits attributed to that preparation, including its supposed effect on weight loss.

Several apple cider vinegar gummies creatively arranged on a table – (Illustrative Image Infobae).

According to an article published by the Harvard Medical SchoolThere are some studies that suggest that apple cider vinegar may have a modest effect on weight loss. Studies in obese rats and mice suggest that acetic acid can prevent fat deposition and improve your metabolism. The most cited human study is a 2009 trial involving 175 people who consumed a drink containing 0, 1, or 2 tablespoons of vinegar each day.

After three months, those who consumed vinegar had modest weight loss (907 and 1,814 grams in weight) and lower triglyceride levels than those who did not drink vinegar.

A 2018 study randomly assigned 39 study subjects to follow a calorie-restricted diet with apple cider vinegar, or a calorie-restricted diet without apple cider vinegar, for 12 weeks. While both groups lost weight, the apple cider vinegar group lost more. As with many previous studies, this one was quite small and short-term.

Apple cider vinegar (Shutterstock)

Overall, the scientific evidence that consuming vinegar (whether apple cider or not) is a reliable, long-term means of losing excess weight is not convincing. Even among advocates of apple cider vinegar for weight loss or other health benefits, it is unclear when to drink apple cider vinegar or how much per day is ideal.

Nutrition experts warn that apple cider vinegar should not be considered a magic solution. Members of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics They maintain that there are no shortcuts to weight loss and that the home remedy does not replace a balanced diet and regular exercise. In addition, excessive consumption of this can have adverse effects, such as dental erosion and digestive problems.

Recipe for homemade apple cider vinegar and easy to prepare. (Photo: Shutterstock Capture)

While this home remedy can help in weight loss in a modest way, it is essential to approach it with caution. Weight loss strategies should focus on sustainable, healthy habits, not quick fixes.

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