Combining physical exercises with mental activities can improve brain health

Combining physical exercises with mental activities can improve brain health
Combining physical exercises with mental activities can improve brain health

Both physical and mental training are vital to strengthen our mind.

This study highlights the benefits of exercise physical and mental for our memory. According to experts, both physical and mental training are vital to strengthen our mind.

The memory It is a crucial function of brain that allows you to retain, store and retrieve information. Over time and due to various factors, this ability can be affected. However, there are exercises that can contribute significantly to improving and maintaining health of the brain. Among the most effective are strategy games, such as chess or sudoku, that stimulate creativity and logical thinking. Additionally, regularly practicing activities that challenge the mind, such as learning a new language or touch a instrument musical, can play a crucial role in improving memory and preventing neurodegenerative diseases.

These exercises not only strengthen memory, but also promote better mental agility and may reduce the risk of diseases neurodegenerative.

Exercising memory is essential to maintain health brain and prevent cognitive decline. The best memory exercises include those that stimulate mental activity, promoting neuroplasticity and improving cognitive abilities. Performing these exercises regularly can significantly contribute to maintaining acuity mental health and brain health over time.

The recent study published in Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health reveals that only 10 minutes of daily physical exercise can significantly improve cognition over time. According to the findings, People who participated in moderate and vigorous physical activities showed higher cognitive evaluation compared to those who wore a more sedentary life.

Dave Rabin, neuroscientist and psychiatrist, mentions the importance of combine physical exercises with mental activities for optimize memory function. “Memory works through practice,” says Rabin, co-founder of Apollo Neuroscience. His recommendation includes incorporating cardiovascular activities and mental games to keep your mind sharp.

The study found that exercises that increase rhythm cardiac, like running or swimming, improve performance in working memory and executive processes. These activities provide both physical and mental benefits, making the brain more resilient and reducing stress and anxiety, factors that negatively affect the storage of new memories.

Ryan Glatt, senior coach and director of the Pacific Neuroscience Institute FitBrain Programadds that different levels of activity physical They can influence cerebral blood flow and, therefore, cognitive ability.

Likewise, Steven K. Malin, associate professor in the Department of Kinesiology and Health at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, highlights that the density of the tissue cerebral improves with greater aerobic activity.

Dancing, daily walks, taking stairs and walking dogs help our brain

Between the exercises recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are the dancethe walks daily, the use of stairs and the walk dogs. These exercises not only benefit physical health, but also help maintain a agile mind.

Experts also emphasize the importance of active breaks during the day, such as doing jumping jacks or briefly climbing stairs to maintain an active rhythm.

Lastly, mental exercise plays a crucial role. Dave Rabin recommends activities that challenge memory, such as remembering numbers telephone or dates important, as well as breathing and meditationwhich have a significant impact on mental health and memory.

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