To enjoy life more: daily practices that help combat permanent dissatisfaction

To enjoy life more: daily practices that help combat permanent dissatisfaction
To enjoy life more: daily practices that help combat permanent dissatisfaction

Milenka Duarte/El Comercio GDA
In an age where instant gratification and the constant search for pleasure are omnipresent, the feeling of being trapped in a spiral of dissatisfaction permanent has become increasingly common in contemporary society.

There are many who live immersed in chronic discontent, even when at first glance they seem to have everything they need to reach their maximum potential and be happy. However, this emotional emptiness that they experience every day leads to an inability to enjoy themselves, which has a significant impact on their mental health and overall well-being.

“It is a multidimensional topic, which is why it has been addressed throughout history by various fields of study, from Greek philosophy, sociology or positive psychology, where representatives such as Martin Seligman proposed the concept of “hedonic adaptation” that It is that when individuals achieve their goals, their happiness tends to return to a base level, which can be interpreted as a feeling of permanent dissatisfaction. Therefore, it could be defined as a persistent state of emotional discomfort that affects the subjective perception of well-being and satisfaction,” highlighted Dr. José Alfonso Mesía Guevara.

Permanent dissatisfaction.

Dissatisfaction is a feeling that appears when the things we have or what we have achieved do not meet our expectations, in other words, it is a discrepancy between our own expectations. expectations and reality. As Liliana Tuñoque, psychotherapist, expressed, one of the most common causes is when we are not very clear about what we really want, generating a feeling of emptiness and of not being able to find something that really fulfills us. Specifically, they are those people who always have their eyes on others and are constantly comparing themselves, in addition to usually being focused on meeting external demands and pressures.

For his part, the psychologist said that the causes can be diverse, both external and internal. On the one hand, there are external factors, such as chronic stresssocial pressure and traumatic events that can trigger feelings of constant discomfort, while, internally, the following factors can contribute to this state:

– Anhedonia: the inability to experience pleasure in activities that would normally be rewarding.

– Cognitive distortions: negative and biased thinking patterns that can influence how people interpret their environment and experiences.

– Perfectionism: a relentless pursuit of extremely high standards and excessive self-demand.

– Self-criticism: If we are excessively critical of ourselves, we tend to magnify defects and errors.

– Rumination: the tendency to repeatedly focus on negative thoughts about oneself, others, or the world in general.

How to know if it is an occasional or chronic issue.

The occasional dissatisfaction It is a normal response to temporary setbacks or unmet expectations, which can be experienced by anyone and at various times in life. On the other hand, permanent implies a chronic state of discontent that persists over time, regardless of positive or negative experiences. Among the signs and symptoms that could indicate that someone is experiencing permanent dissatisfaction are: a combination of persistent negative emotions, such as sadness, anxiety, irritability and hopelessness. Likewise, as Dr. Mesía pointed out, it can manifest itself in changes in behavior, whether social isolation, lack of motivation, and inability to enjoy activities that were previously considered pleasurable. Alterations in sleep and appetite may also occur.

If someone finds themselves trapped in a cycle of permanent dissatisfaction and is looking to change their perspective and mindset, they can do these practices:

– Reflect on thoughts and emotions, in order to identify the negative patterns that are contributing to our dissatisfaction and work to change them progressively.

– Practicing gratitude, being grateful for what we have can help us change our focus towards the positive in our life.

– Goals must be achievable and aligned with personal values, providing us with a greater sense of purpose and direction.

– It is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle, which includes activities such as a balanced diet, doing regular exercise, meditating, reading a book, achieving quality sleep and all those positive habits that generate peace and joy.

– Establishing satisfactory and healthy interpersonal relationships are essential for our emotional well-being. It is crucial to spend time with our friends and loved ones, thus cultivating genuine connections.

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