doctor provides recommendations for men over 40 to stay healthy – Publimetro Chile

doctor provides recommendations for men over 40 to stay healthy – Publimetro Chile
doctor provides recommendations for men over 40 to stay healthy – Publimetro Chile

Within the framework of Father’s day, If we talk about health habits, the men Chileans have less healthy routines than women: They smoke more, have a higher risky consumption of alcohol, a high level of sedentary lifestyle and a lower level of intake of vegetables and fruits.

The panorama of men’s health in the country presents challenges, as revealed by recent data from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the National Institute of Statistics. In 2020, 53.6% of those who died were men, which means that for every 100 women who died, 111 men died.s. This masculinity index has shown a downward trend since 2000, when it was recorded at 120, although in 2020 there was an increase related to the impact of Covid-19.

In this context, the Family Medicine doctor at Clínica Alemana, Waldo Ortega, explained that men have a mortality rate from external causes four times higher than women and a seven times greater risk of being victims of homicide. These figures are linked to various risk factors and behaviors, mainly cardiovascular diseases (heart attack and stroke), cancers (prostate, stomach, lung), accidents, liver cirrhosis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Despite these figures, the family doctor pointed out that there are currently no health programs specifically designed to comprehensively address men’s health problems. And he stressed the urgent need to develop a male gender perspective approach, given that men have a lower life expectancy than women and face a different profile of health problems.

Preventive exams

Along these lines, Ortega suggested that Men should have an annual preventive exam starting at age 40 and every two years before that age. These exams must include a detailed medical history and questionnaires on alcohol consumption, tobacco, sleep, physical activity, diet, risky sexual behaviors and mental health (anxiety and depression).

In it Physical exam, It is crucial to measure blood pressure to detect hypertension, evaluate weight and height to identify overweight or obesity, look for signs of insulin resistance, and check the skin to detect cancer.

As to laboratory tests, recommended measuring blood glucose to detect prediabetes or diabetes and performing a lipid profile to evaluate dyslipidemia. From the age of 50, occult blood tests in stools or a colonoscopy should be performed.

Finally, the specialist assured that ““Men’s health in the country requires special attention and the implementation of dedicated programs that can reduce mortality rates and improve the quality of life of men.”

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