the last medical report and the details of his brutal fall at the Interlagos racetrack

the last medical report and the details of his brutal fall at the Interlagos racetrack
the last medical report and the details of his brutal fall at the Interlagos racetrack

Lorenzo Somaschinithe 9-year-old pilot from Rosario who suffered an accident on Friday during training for the SuperBike Brazil in Interlagos, he continues to be admitted to the intensive care unit of the Albert Einstein Hospital in São Paulo and, as his instructor said Diego Pierluigithere were no changes in his state of health since the last medical report, published on Sunday.

“At the moment he is in the same condition as on Sunday. Stable, but serious,” Pierluigi explained to the newspaper this Monday. The capital from Rosario. And he provided details of how his pupil fell during a testing session of the 4th stage of the Honda Junior 160 Cup at the São Paulo autodrome.

It was in the Pinheirinho curve, the slowest on the circuit. Many things came together. The manner of the fall was a Highside, which is when the motorcycle crosses, gets stuck and fires the rider. The fall was very slow, but Lolo hit his head in a position that means he is fighting for his life today,” said the young pilot’s instructor.

We are shocked because it is a fall that, generally at that speed and in that curve, does not generate a strong blow. But today we are in this situation,” he added. “The truth is that it was a disgrace. He suffered a blow to the base of the skull. He has inflammation and what is expected is for the inflammation to go down. We need time and for him to resist. He is in God’s hand.”

After the accident, Somaschini, an Argentine motorsports prodigy, was treated urgently in the circuit’s medical room. Once stabilized, the little boy was transferred in a highly complex ambulance to the Pedreira General Hospital. He remained there until Saturday morning, when he was transferred to the Albert Einstein Hospital, which specializes in emergencies.

The statement from SuperBike Brazil on Sunday about Somaschini’s state of health. Instagram photo

In the first hours after the accident, versions circulated on social networks stating that Somaschini had died, but they were quickly denied by the SuperBike Brasil organization and by Pierluigi.

His condition is serious but he is alive, his heart beats and he has vital signs, but it is serious. “The doctors are doing everything possible to try to improve,” he told La Capital on Sunday morning.

At the end of that day, he commented: “The important thing was to pass the first 48 hours that ended today at one in the afternoon (on Sunday). His heart is strong, his vital signs are fine. He is still stable. But it is a minute by minute.”

“He is still serious and is being controlled by the doctors. But we have to wait to see if there are improvements. We have faith that Lorenzo is going to evolve for the better. The medical side, science, says that in a case like this there is no You can never know that anything can happen. It is a minute by minute. But the fact that 48 hours have passed was what we needed to start believing that it can improve,” he added.

Who is Lorenzo Somaschini

Somaschini, born on July 17, 2014, is passionate about motorcycles. At the age of four, his father gave him a minibike and since then he has not stopped showing an innate talent that allowed him to enter competitions in his category prematurely. He trained at Diego Pierluigi’s school and last April he had debuted in the Junior Cup of Argentine Superbike.

“My dream is to reach MotoGPto be world champion,” the little boy had told the specialized media. Nut Walk after his first great sporting experience. Lorenzo is currently in the fourth grade at primary school and is the pride of his parents, Alfredo and Carolina, and his sister, Juana. Before getting fully into the motor world, the boy played basketball.

In those days, in dialogue with La Capital, he had gone deeper: “One day my dad took me to the supermarket to load up on gas, I don’t remember well, but we took a ride in a 125 cubic centimeter that belonged to my grandfather and I loved it. There he grabbed me and I don’t know how to explain it. I liked it a lot and well… I started to be fascinated by motorcycles and here I am, ready to race.”

In that same note they asked him if he was afraid of a possible fall. And he answered: “No, but at first I had it. When I see that I’m going to the floor I try to curl up into a ball and think that it won’t be anything…”

Last week, after having participated in a test in San Nicolás, Lolo traveled to Brazil to have his first experience abroad.

“Fulfilling dreams… First training session in Interlagos, Brazil, preparing for the Junior Cup,” he had posted on his Instagram account. Lolosomaspro with a photo in which he showed a huge smile.

The Honda Junior Cup is one of the most recognized youth competitions on the American continent that brings together riders between 8 and 16 years old on 160 cubic centimeter motorcycles with pedals and handlebars adapted to the size of each participant.

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