Discover the San Juan de Dios and connect with well-being

Discover the San Juan de Dios and connect with well-being
Discover the San Juan de Dios and connect with well-being

Within the framework of Calm in the City Festival he District Institute of Cultural Heritage – IDPC will carry out, this June 20, various activities at the San Juan de Dios Hospital Complex that include a tour of its gardens, a guided yoga class and a meditation exercise, as part of the celebration of the summer solstice and yoga as Heritage Intangible of Humanity.

The day begins at 9:15 am, with teacher Leonado Mejia, who will guide a conscious meditation exercise through stillness and movement that will allow us to connect with the silence and history that inhabits the Complex.

At 10:00 am, attendees will be able to participate in a solstice yoga practice led by teacher Ishwari, from Yoga SER, aimed at reducing stress and anxiety.

Ishwari, an industrial engineer and business administrator with 20 years of experience in the corporate world, discovered the potential of yoga to transform her body, mind and spirit, increase her flexibility and increase her physical strength and peace of mind, so, after specializing in India and France, he dedicated himself to spreading the wisdom of yoga as a path to personal growth and fulfillment.

And at 11:00 am, the IDPC team will take a tour of the San Juan gardens in which attendees will be able to explore the relationship of this heritage space with nature, well-being and health to recognize the diversity of its flora. as living evidence of different historical moments, based on a sensitive experience and in relation to the knowledge and memories of the participants.

Pre-registration from June 18, limited capacity. Come with comfortable clothing, water, yoga mat and sunscreen.

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