Are aesthetic medicine and cosmetics rivals? Experts respond

Are aesthetic medicine and cosmetics rivals? Experts respond
Are aesthetic medicine and cosmetics rivals? Experts respond

Published · June 18, 2024, 1:50 p.m.

The world of beauty dedicates more and more efforts to research with a clear objective: to achieve increasingly specific formulations and treatments for each need, but always thinking about going beyond the concerns of its users. However, this reality seems to confront the two most consolidated sectors of this field:

aesthetic medicine and cosmetic brands.

On the one hand, the speed of achieving visible results in a number of specific sessions and, on the other, the possibility of keeping the skin in good condition with care maintained over time thanks to a complete beauty routine. But,

Does that competition really exist? To what extent can they be complementary? Four experts analyze the issue and resolve our doubts.

Very effective cosmetic products


Dr. Moisés Amselem, from the Martín del Yerro Clinicand the

Dr. María Rogel, from the Pedro Jaén Group, share a point of view: aesthetic medicine and cosmetics are not competition and agree on the need to combine them. «Both are perfectly complementary. A foundation can be established with medical-aesthetic procedures at deep levels of the skin and maintained externally with effective active ingredients to achieve good hydration and dermo-epidermal repair,” says Dr. Amselem.

The dr. Rogel, for her part, always recommends the subsequent use of cosmetics with which to prolong the results and get the most out of the treatments. «

We start from a medical diagnosis to treat possible skin pathologies. If the skin is not healthy, it is very difficult, if not impossible, for it to be beautiful,” says the dermatologist.

The most requested treatments usually vary depending on age: «Young patients generally come for acne problems, skin imperfections and the first wrinkles. Mature women also pay attention to wrinkles, but they are more concerned about sagging, spots and skin quality,” summarizes Dr. Rogel.

After aesthetic medicine intervention

«The challenge would be to work together, in synergy. Aesthetic medicine offers a quick result and cosmetics works more slowly and with long-term results, but at the same time more lasting over time. Cosmetic products help improve the quality of the skin and maintain the aesthetic touch-ups that are performed with aesthetic medicine,” says Cristina Alonso, director of training and promotions at Sisley.

A statement shared by Isabelle Picou, communications director at Clarins: «

Aesthetic medicine and cosmetics complement each other. In fact, when aesthetic medicine treatments are performed, doctors always recommend that their patients be consistent with their routine afterwards. Taking care of the skin, nourishing it, hydrating it and calming it is essential after an intervention. That’s why we have treatments for all skin problems: lack of firmness, wrinkles, spots… », he points out.

Because, furthermore, if we look for optimal results after an aesthetic treatment, we need a solid foundation. In this case, a complexion cared for and treated daily. That means it offers greater resistance, elasticity, density and a more youthful appearance. To achieve this, both experts agree that

There are two essential steps that should not be forgotten at any age.. “The first and fundamental thing is cleansing, which eliminates impurities and toxins from the skin, and also guarantees the maximum effectiveness of cosmetic treatments,” clarifies the director of training and promotions at Sisley, who highlights “the good feeling when applying products”, as one of the benefits of cosmetics.

The second is ”

hydrate and nourish the skin, prevent the appearance of wrinkles and sagging. Taking care of your skin daily prevents your complexion from becoming dull and dull,” says Isabelle Picou. In her opinion, the sooner you start taking care of your skin, the more you will delay the need to resort, if desired, to aesthetic treatments.

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