Nine doctors join the work of the Magallanes Healthcare Network

Nine doctors join the work of the Magallanes Healthcare Network
Nine doctors join the work of the Magallanes Healthcare Network

during yesterday, the Magallanes Health Service reported that nine doctors joined the Healthcare Network, professionals known as “zone generals”, who – through their Destination and Training Stage (EDF) through Art. 8 of the Law 19,664 – come to strengthen the care of Primary Health Care establishments in the region.

The presentation is contextualized in the induction day for EDF doctors and dentists, so that professionals who arrive in Magallanes can learn about and learn about different aspects of the Health Service, such as the Healthcare Network, civil service career, civil service rights, and Law N. ° 20,584 on Rights and Duties of the Patient, among others.

This 2024, two dental surgeons chose the Magallanes Region to carry out their EDF stage through the NP Dentist 2024 Contest (Minsal). Meanwhile, through the Selection Process of Surgeons for entry to the Destination and Training Stage of Art. 8 of Law No. 19,664, seven doctors entered.

In this regard, the Seremi of Health, Francisca San Fuentes, indicated that “we are very happy to receive these new professionals, since it will allow them to join the primary care team and carry out important work contributing to the development of health in these most extreme areas. and that we know that it is difficult for us to have medical professionals.”

Along the same lines, the director of the Health Service, Verónica Yáñez, stated that it is important to point out that in health it is not enough to only have adequate infrastructure to deliver the required care, but it is also necessary to have adequate human resources. “The incorporation of these new medical professionals to the network is great news and, clearly, allows us to increase the supply and response capacity that we are providing today in the different primary care establishments.

For his part, Matías Talamilla, a graduate of the University of Chile and a medical professional from Porvenir, emphasized that the “objective is to add to the Magallanes Healthcare Network and reinforce Primary Health Care (PHC).” Likewise, he highlighted “coming to the end of the country to contribute the knowledge I acquired during my degree and thus be able to facilitate the care of many patients.”

With the arrival of these new professionals, the region will have a total of 9 doctors in the assignment and training stage for the entire network, considering the current staff already existing in the Health Service.

The civil service career of professionals in the EDF will be fulfilled through the performance of contract jobs, and their stay may not exceed 9 years.

Starting from the 3rd year, and at most until the 6th year, professionals will be able to apply for the Specialization Programs granted by the Minsal.

Distribution of new specialists

The new professionals will be distributed in the different health centers in the region:

– Cesfam Dr. Juan Lozic from – Puerto Natales: 2 doctors.

– Cesfam Carlos Ibáñez of Punta Arenas: 1 doctor.

– Cesfam Dr. Juan Damianovic from Punta Arenas: 1 dentist and 1 doctor.

– Cesfam Dr. Mateo Bencur from Punta Arenas: 1 dentist.

– Dr. Marco Chamorro Iglesias de Porvenir community hospital: 3 doctors.

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