Can I go with my dog ​​to the beach? This is what the new animal welfare law says

Can I go with my dog ​​to the beach? This is what the new animal welfare law says
Can I go with my dog ​​to the beach? This is what the new animal welfare law says

Go with your dog to the beach in Spain during the season summer It is something that you can do in more and more spaces. He dog access the beach is usually quite restricted in general, but public administrations do more and more efforts so that enjoying the sun and sand with your pet is not an impossible mission.

Until now, if you didn’t go first thing in the morning or late in the afternoon, it was difficult that you could give yourself a bath with your dog in most of the Spanish coast, but fortunately this is changing. What’s more, did you know that there are dog beachescanine leisure spaces in the sand and even doggy beach guards?

Summer with new animal welfare law

This will be the first summer in which the new law protecting animal rights and welfarewhich recommends facilitating the coexistence of people with pets in public spaces, such as beaches.

Are the town halls of each locality those that allow or prohibit access to their beaches, but with the current law (despite the fact that there are aspects to be defined) it seems that they could increasingly be more permissive.

The municipal ordinances on beaches They are different in each area: some allow spaces shared with dogs, in others there are prohibitions or limitations due to lack of space or protection of the biodiversity of the place, and others are for exclusive canine use. The recommendation is that, before going to the beach with your animal companion, Find out what the regulations are like in your destination and if it has specific beaches for it.

In addition, town councils can put conditions when access is allowed, such as the obligation that the dog has up-to-date vaccinations, is dewormed or has a microchip. They can also require them to be on a leash and limit access with dogs to certain time slots.

tips for going to the beach with your dog

The latest data from Statistics National Institute reveal that 43% of Spanish households have pets and the majority are dogs. In fact, the last calculation counted 9 million dogs throughout the country, a greater number than children.

So it is necessary that these animals are recognized and valued as members of the family and there are laws that protect your rights. More and more progress is being made on this path. But owners must also be aware of their obligations in terms of coexistence or cleanliness, and going to the beach with a dog must be a pleasant activity for everyone, so certain rules must be taken into account for the well-being of both the dog and the environment. .

The Affinity Foundation urges us to remember these recommendations:

  • Prepare the backpack with the dog’s things: the dog’s documentation, water and water bowl, toys that float, bags to collect its needs, towel, sun cream and, if necessary, protector for the foot pads.
  • On the beach put protector in areas where there is no hair and, if it is lying down, keep it in the shade. Avoid the central hours of the day where the radiation is more intense.
  • The dog must bathe in a shallow area and without currents, and you should not lose sight of it at any time. Remember that drinking seawater can cause discomfort intestinal.
  • When you come back, rinse it with fresh water to protect their skin and hair and check that there is no sand left in their ears.
  • Not all dogs like bathing. Yes, it is the first time, let it adapt to its rhythm.
  • dogs too they can suffer heat stroke. Keep him hydrated, in the shade for as long as possible and make sure he doesn’t burn his paws with the sand.
  • Yes in the days after After having gone to the beach, your dog shakes his head and scratches his ears insistently, go to the vet, as these may be symptoms of otitis.
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