The exercise that couples use to know if they are ready to separate

The exercise that couples use to know if they are ready to separate
The exercise that couples use to know if they are ready to separate


Movies or series go through people’s lives. At the same time, the plot, the script or even particular scenes also mark the thermometer of a couple with fragments that can be assimilated to a real situation. One of the most remembered films is Story of a marriagereleased in 2019 on Netflix, where a couple decides to separate and divorce in a very particular way.

That is when the couple goes to a psychologist specialized in these cases and The professional asks them to put together a farewell letter to see if they are prepared to face this painful moment.especially when there are children involved.

The reason for the letter is to investigate the issues that led each of them to fall in love and, contrary to what is believed, does not point to a possible reconciliationbut rather to put aside any type of resentment.

The plot of Marriage Story, on Netflix, tells of the collapse of a coupleArchive

When writing a letter, an exercise is launched that one could overlook, but, at the same time, it points to many sentimental issues such as: What would happen if you never see your partner again? This question is too shocking for people and forces them to reconsider several issues before making a decision that can change their lives forever.

As a result of this theme, which was expressed in the script of a film, the therapist and sexologist, Marina Castroin dialogue with the Spanish media, delved into this sensitive topic and gave even more details of how a couple’s psyche works when facing this challenge.

“I meet many people in the consultation who have doubts about whether they should separate. I suggest that they position themselves as if today were the last day of their partner’s life and write her a letter saying goodbye to her“, explained the specialist about this unconventional method, but effective in touching the intimate fibers of each of the members of a couple.

Writing a letter: the method that therapists recommend to deal with a separation or divorceUnsplash

And he added about the difficulties people have in taking this step: “There are many people who are incapable. Because? Because what they feel for the other person is very strong, perhaps they are not valuing what they feel on a daily basis.”.

When delving into this exercise, the professional indicated what objective should be pursued when writing the farewell letter: “If you are thinking about getting divorced, you have to write a letter as if the other person had to die. Some say they felt liberated; others, on the contrary: they see that this is not what they want and they tear the paper. They realize, in that moment, that they don’t want to separate from the other person.”

If you sit down and can’t write your farewell, it means that you still have to think more, because there are still many things that tie you to the other person.“, clarified the professional to give closure to a topic as difficult as the separation or end of a sentimental bond.


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