Transgender medicine, a business that will earn 451 million euros in 2035

Transgender medicine, a business that will earn 451 million euros in 2035
Transgender medicine, a business that will earn 451 million euros in 2035

Since the implementation of Irene Montero’s trans law in Spain, more and more people say they suffer gender dysphoria. This, which in some cases causes mental illness, is not treated as it should. Now, the only thing these people have to do, instead of going to the doctor first, is to change their sex at the Civil Registry or go through the operating room to undergo an expensive change operation. This last point will boost “market prospects.”

According to a report by Global Market Insights, a management consulting and global market research company, due to the latest government policies that have been approved in Spain and that encourage citizens to undergo complex surgeries to become happy with their body, to transgender medicine is already a medical business who will win 451 million euros in 2035.

According to the company, the patient who undergoes these procedures – hysterectomy and phalloplasty – must know that their cost is very high. According to the data in the document, in Europe the average price of sex change from woman to man It is between 12,000 and 20,000 euros and is expected to continue growing year after year. The greater the demand, the more the prices will increase.

Before the approval of the standard, the experts were already warning of the lack of scientific evidence that he owned. However, instead of talking to psychologists and health workers and finding out about the problems that this would bring to society, the Government decided to be guided by Montero’s impulse and give the green light to a law that left aside the dright of every human being to make use of the principle of comprehensiveness in access to health services.

In the same sense, Luisa González, vice president of the Madrid College of Physicians, denounced in an interview with El Debate that the law lacks “scientific evidence in the literature,” since it is not legal to carry out cross-hormonal treatment in children and adolescents “on a whim” without first making a diagnosis. Now they only recommend undergoing surgery and going to the Civil Registry.

In turn, Ángel Luis Montejo González denounced that the rule eliminates all types of medical information from “people who request a gender change.” In this sense, this situation has branded all psychiatrists as great enemies of transsexuality. And this norm “has nothing to do with ideologies, but with science.”

Due to this, the report details that in just nine years – from 2023 to 2032 – the market for sex reassignment interventions will have “a compound annual rate of 11.2%”, since part of the transgender population “suffers serious disorders.” mental health” as anxiety and depression.

Likewise, it highlights that “as its population increases with each passing year,” the demand for gender reassignment surgeries from female to male “may also grow throughout the community.” For example, annually “nearly 9,000 transgender surgeries are performed in the United States.”

In line, the company asserts that the size of the European sex reassignment surgery market is expected to exceed “451 million euros in 2032” due to growing “public awareness about the sophisticated sex reassignment surgeries». This increase, which will promise to help people who are not satisfied with their body, will do the opposite, since there are many people who, after undergoing surgery, have stated that it “turns them into a sick patient for life.”

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