The Penquista offer of non-traditional medicine to relieve colds

The Penquista offer of non-traditional medicine to relieve colds
The Penquista offer of non-traditional medicine to relieve colds

Photography: Carolina Echagüe M.

In Concepción, among its numerous galleries and streets full of commerce, there are several naturopathic pharmacies that, among their windows stocked with colorful bottles, can find excellent alternatives to prevent and relieve those annoying colds.

On Portales Street in the heart of the city, between restaurants and the daily noise of the city, the Mapuche Longkolawen Pharmacy has been located for 21 years, a small but well-stocked store that offers all kinds of natural remedies, made with herbs. ancestral, intended to relieve all types of ailments.

Behind his counter, Leonardo Sandoval, assistant at the Mapuche Longkolawen Pharmacy, advised that the first thing to do before consuming any medicine to prevent a cold is to take basic hygiene measures. “The most important thing is that the person eats well and eats everything. In addition, he must wash his hands frequently and, if he goes to a place that could have viruses, wear a mask.”

In view of this, the assistant assured that, to prevent such unpleasant colds, an extra natural reinforcement is magnificent to strengthen the immune system and that, as he clarified, in Longkolawen all medicine sold in said pharmacy is made based on herbs. processed by machis. “The most powerful thing we have to offer is the maqui quintral. We also have drops from the sundew plant, which is a natural antibiotic, which increases defenses and is also antiviral.” To combat discomfort during and after a cold, Sandoval recommended the use of various drops made from plants with Mapuche recipes. “Quillay is an excellent remedy to combat bronchial symptoms, for coughs, it helps to expectorate and reduce inflammation in the throat. In turn, lobelia contributes to the dilation of the bronchi and calms respiratory tract allergies.” The prices of these naturopathic medicines from Longkolawen Pharmacy range between $3,500 and $4,500.

Another case is the Antumalen Health Space, an attractive natural pharmacy located in Galería Italia, in the heart of downtown Penquista. Its bright and stocked counters provide users with a wide variety of natural remedies and supplements. Carolina Lozano, a salesperson at the store, highlighted the importance of herbs to combat ailments caused by colds. “In this pharmacy, the best sellers are medicines based on echinacea, an effective plant for the respiratory tract, as it softens them, relieving the throat, pharynx and vocal cords. In addition, it raises the defenses, lowering the probability of acquiring a cold.”

A cold can be acquired at any time, from the earliest years to old age. That is why Lozano suggested the use of supplements that strengthen defenses from childhood. “For young children, it is best to take cod oil that has a high omega-3 content, since this compound is a good ally for the immune system. For them and the rest of the ages, it is also highly recommended to consume multivitamins based on iron, zinc and magnesium.”

But, no matter how naturopathic they are, both Carolina Lozano and Leonardo Sandoval suggested that women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should consult a doctor before taking any natural or chemical remedy.

UdeC specialist vision

“People abuse paracetamol,” said Felipe Ferrer Gübelin, a licensed pharmaceutical chemist from the University of Concepción, who assured that, in search of finding an immediate solution, people often mix medications without reading their components. “To get relief quickly, people buy all kinds of flu medications, such as Trioval or Tapsin, both in capsules and sachets, and combine them, without realizing that they all contain paracetamol as the main compound.” According to the pharmacist, a correct dose of this medication does help relieve some ailments typical of colds, but, if the recommended limits are exceeded, it could cause severe damage to health. “The maximum recommended amount for an adult is four grams of paracetamol; if it is exceeded, it becomes toxic and can irreversibly damage the liver.”

To avoid the common cold, Felipe Ferrer suggested taking natural supplements to strengthen the human body’s own defenses, in addition to seeking a balanced diet. “As prevention, the most useful thing is vitamin C and zinc reinforcements to help the immune system. It should also be complemented with a healthy diet that includes fruits rich in vitamin C, such as oranges and kiwis, in addition to the regular consumption of legumes that have a high zinc content.

To take advantage of the benefits of nature without having to resort to chemicals, the professional recommended the consumption of syrups, herbal waters and propolis candies that, in addition to helping to relieve cold ailments, have a pleasant flavor. “To reduce cold symptoms, especially in the respiratory area and discomfort due to phlegm, the person can resort to propolis and pectoral flowers; also to thyme, avocado and helix ivy syrups.” In the case of thyme, which is an expectorant and helps with nasal congestion, its homemade preparation, as indicated by Felipe Ferrer, is as effective as syrup. “Its preparation is quite simple. “You should add a small spoonful to a cup of boiling water, let it sit for approximately 10 minutes and then drink it as an infusion two to three times a day.”

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