Antibiotics in winter: recommendations for their correct and responsible use

For hundreds of millions of years there have been bacteria on planet Earth, which have been adapting to the temperatures of all ecological systems, such as in the coldest depths of the sea or near the lava rivers of volcanoes. That is, bacteria are everywhere and have been here for millions of years.

Human beings, on the other hand, “are newcomers to this planet” and “only” approximately 79 years ago a substance called penicillin was discovered that kills bacteria. Later, many other medications known as antibiotics came out that have completely changed the life prognosis of human beings, curing thousands of infections.

However, a few decades ago a problem arose around these medications. And people have started using antibiotics indiscriminately, resulting in the development of resistant bacteria, preventing their eradication from the human organism.

“(We citizens) have misused the antibiotics. And what is the result? According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 5 million people are dying with infections that no longer respond to any antibiotics,” said Dr. Elmer Huerta, medical consultant for RPP.

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“Ideally, they should not take antibiotics if they do not have a prescription,” says Dr. Elmer Huerta | Source: Video: RPP | Photo: Unsplash

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In that regard, it is important that people understand that antibiotics They have to be used on certain occasions and only under a doctor’s prescription. Dr. Elmer Huerta told details in the program On.

“Ideally, they should not take antibiotics if they do not have a medical prescription. (Let’s remember that) antibiotics are only for bacteria and not viruses,” mentioned the health specialist. “And if 85% of sore throats are caused by viruses, (antibiotics) will not work and their misuse will contribute to resistance,” he added.

“Second, the antibiotics They should be prescribed only for proven infections and should be taken for an appropriate period of time and at an appropriate dose,” said Elmer Huerta.

It should be noted that patients must comply with the antibiotic treatment time recommended by their doctor in order to eliminate the bacteria of the human organism. “What has been studied is that the cycle of antibiotic use – depending on the infection and the bacteria – can vary from 5, 7 or 10 days.

In other cases, such as tuberculosis, it may be 6 months of antibiotics. And what is the concept? that in the first days that the antibiotic is used, the most susceptible bacteria populations are going to die quickly and if you complete the days that your doctor has given you, you can even affect the populations of bacteria that are moderately resistant,” he pointed out. the medical consultant RPP.

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