Elizabeth Loaiza on biopolymer extraction

Elizabeth Loaiza on biopolymer extraction
Elizabeth Loaiza on biopolymer extraction

A ruling of the Constitutional Court orders the EPS to pay for biopolymer extraction surgery to women and men who have compromised their physical and mental health, this after evidencing access barriers within the health system.

In dialogue with Porque La W, the model and businesswoman, Elizabeth Loaiza, who has been a champion of the victims of these bad aesthetic procedures, stated that this is a historic decision in the country that of course gives an enormous guarantee to all those people who They were deceived “people did not use biopolymers knowing that it would cause them some harm and when we say biopolymers we have to explain that A patient goes to a surgeon to have fat injected and suddenly they end up applying hardware store silicone”.

Loaiza explained that a biopolymer extraction surgery can cost approximately between 30 million and 100 million pesos. “The doctors charge it depending on the pig.”

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This substance can be lethal because some women apply it to their buttocks and it migrates to their backs and hips. “There is a scientific study done on laboratory mice where it is evident that “The biopolymer can migrate to any part of the body, for example behind the heart behind the knees.”

The businesswoman warns that although there are excellent doctors in Colombia, there is no one who is an expert in removing biopolymers because they run the risk of leaving patients unable to walk. “I think no doctor is good at doing that surgery, because it is very complex. There are doctors who say I don’t go there, The most common thing is to remove as much of the muscle as possible, but there are parts of the body where it is impossible to operate later.”

Additionally, journalist Lorena Beltrán assured that agrees with this ruling of the Court but warns that the health system cannot be overloaded and for them, additional measures must be taken, such as the one that has already been attempted 5 times in the Congress of the Republic and that seeks to regulate aesthetic processes in Colombia, whether surgical or not.

“This bill contemplates that those who want to undergo this type of event must purchase a policy and that would take that burden off the health system,” he said.

Beltrán explains that, currently, Those who undergo these procedures receive a policy that ends up being false and this has happened in many cases. “Nowadays there is no law that requires one to acquire that policy.”

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