Silvio Soldán was hospitalized urgently and generates concern: the details about his health

Silvio Soldán was hospitalized urgently and generates concern: the details about his health
Silvio Soldán was hospitalized urgently and generates concern: the details about his health

The conductor Silvio Soldán decompensated and had to be urgently hospitalized in Uruguay, where he was going to perform his tango show.

The 89-year-old announcer began to feel unwell during his transfer by ferry to Colonia del Sacramento and ended up hospitalized after giving a report of almost an hour for the newspaper. The country.

“When he arrived, he was giving a very long interview, he spoke and began to feel ill during the interview. They thought it was possible that he had a stroke because he was feeling dizzy, with some strange symptoms, so they quickly took him to a clinic and treated him. Everything is fine,” explained journalist Angel De Brito.

To clear up any doubts, he stressed: “He is in great health, but they had a pretty big scare. The people who were with him told me that he is now resting in his hotel, lying down.”

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“He wanted to come back today. He was worried because the press saw that he felt bad. He went to give a press conference and started looking to the side at one point as if asking for help. He started to say ‘I feel bad’ and then they got scared, called the ambulance and from there they took him to the hospital. This was at five in the afternoon,” the presenter explained.

What happened to Silvio Soldán and why he ended up hospitalized

In a statement that shared the production of the driver’s show, they indicated: “Soldán experienced discomfort due to the movement of the ferry. Due to the worsening of his condition, we chose to seek medical attention at the local hospital. “The doctors carried out the relevant tests and confirmed that it was an episode of motion sickness.”

They then explained that motion sickness is the discomfort caused by movement when travelling by car, train, plane or boat.

“Therefore, we have decided to reschedule the tour for the month of August, allowing our esteemed artist to rest and recover in Buenos Aires. He is expected to return at noon tomorrow. We deeply appreciate your understanding and support during this period,” concludes the text issued by Bacchi Producciones. (with information from TN)

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