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The exercises that a person who suffers from migraine can do: they will help them control it

Nowadays it is very common for human beings to practice exercise, but there is a theory that for those who tend to suffer from migraines, sport could further increase this crisis, and that is why many prefer to use headache medications.

According to scientific evidence, people with migraines can engage in physical activity and have even shown that it is an ally in keeping this disease at bay. Dr. Paloma Ibáñez de la Cadiniere, specialist in the Headache Unit of the Neurology service of the Jiménez Díaz Foundation University Hospital, indicates the following: “We can recommend regular physical exercise to improve migraine, based on scientific evidence.”

This healthy habit usually has a positive impact on the control of severe headaches. Many studies show that sport can reduce the frequency, intensity and duration of seizures..

The Spanish Society of Neurology comments that the various causes that can cause headaches come from a genetic, biological, environmental and psychological nature and the episodes can appear between one and nine days a month, and if it becomes chronic it lasts more than 15 days in that same period.

Dr. Ibáñez talks about how exercise can help reduce these episodes, and can be just as beneficial as the medications they recommend for this disease.

“Reducing the frequency, intensity and duration of crises. Even in some of these works we have been able to see that a break from regular exercise could offer a benefit similar to treatments with preventive drugs,” comments the expert.

“Similarly, it has been observed in a study that the group of patients who took a preventive medication for migraine and did regular physical exercise obtained better results of headache control compared to the group that only took the drug,” continues Ibáñez.

He Sport not only helps those people who suffer from this disease, but also reduces headaches., which can be tension-related or related to the cervical spine; Although medications are very helpful, physical activity is more beneficial.

Exercise acts as a suppressor of inflammation, which decreases some markers that can increase in migraine, it also influences microvascular health related to the pathophysiological mechanism, which helps improve cerebral blood circulation and reduces the frequency of episodes.

Sport not only helps relieve migraine symptoms, it also helps with anxiety, as it releases endorphins, known as the happiness hormones.

This emotional component is closely related anatomically to pain, and its role is very important in the control of migraine,” explains the doctor.

Recommended exercises to control migraine

Before doing any sport you should warm up


Strength or muscular resistance training

Strength exercises, which are Focused on the neck, shoulders and arms, they are the ones that provide great benefit. Strength training stimulates the muscles and this helps improve migraine.

“The increase in muscle mass has been related to a reduction in the frequency of migraine attacks, as well as a reduction in the central sensitization phenomenon that occurs in chronic pain syndromes,” says Ibáñez.

High intensity training

This is one of the exercises that is most recommended for people who suffer from this neurological disease, taking into account that better results are obtained than in moderate training, and it also depends on the frequency and intensity with which you do it.

Yoga or low impact exercises

Yoga helps reduce migraine


Another recommended one is yoga, since this is an ancient practice that incorporates breathing exercises, meditation and postures designed to promote relaxation and stress reduction; thus helping to reduce severe headaches.

Remember that before doing any training you must warm up for at least ten minutes, in order to avoid any physical injury or muscle tears. It is also important that you consult with your doctor or your trusted trainer what exercises he or she recommends to prevent and relieve migraines.

Let’s talk about chronic migraine

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