Viña del Mar doctor seeks to re-humanize the relationship with the patient with Artificial Intelligence

Viña del Mar doctor seeks to re-humanize the relationship with the patient with Artificial Intelligence
Viña del Mar doctor seeks to re-humanize the relationship with the patient with Artificial Intelligence

Speaknosis, Innovation by Chilean Doctor Cristóbal Langdon, seeks to re-humanize the Doctor-Patient Relationship

Chilean physician Cristóbal Langdon has developed an innovative tool called Speaknosis, intended to transform the relationship between doctors and patients by putting the latter at the center of medical care. With this technology, Langdon seeks to facilitate more human, closer and efficient communication, thus revolutionizing traditional medical care.

Transforming the Doctor-Patient Relationship

Langdon, who has been based in Barcelona for 15 years, is determined to rehumanise doctor-patient interactions. His tool, Speaknosis, captures all verbal (and soon non-verbal) information from consultations, eliminating the need for doctors to spend more than 50% of their time staring at a computer instead of interacting directly with their patients. The importance of this innovation has been supported by a successful capital raising of USD 70,000, intended to finance the development of the tool and its implementation in Latin America.

Technology at the Service of Humanization

“Looking into each other’s eyes is the most honest way to communicate and understand each other,” explains Langdon. However, in modern medicine, this practice is hampered by documentation tasks. Speaknosis uses advanced artificial intelligence models and proprietary algorithms to eliminate the need to manually record consultations, allowing medical staff to focus on their patients. This not only reduces medical burn out, but also facilitates eye contact and promotes more honest and transparent communication.

Global Impact and Projection

The adoption of Speaknosis allows for a complete and accurate recording of patient medical information, thus improving the quality of care and quality of life of patients. The tool is currently being tested in Spain and in several Latin American countries, with plans to expand to other regions. Speaknosis is conducting clinical studies in collaboration with prestigious hospitals and has been recognized by organizations such as the Pontifical Catholic University and the Google for AI Startups program.

With their innovative vision, Cristóbal Langdon and Speaknosis are creating a more humane and efficient future in healthcare, where technology and empathy combine to improve the relationship between doctors and patients.

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