The violent situation of aggression and homophobia suffered by an actor from the series División Palermo: “I couldn’t defend myself”

The violent situation of aggression and homophobia suffered by an actor from the series División Palermo: “I couldn’t defend myself”
The violent situation of aggression and homophobia suffered by an actor from the series División Palermo: “I couldn’t defend myself”

Hernán Cuevas, one of the actors of División Palermo, suffered a tense situation of aggression and homophobia (Video: IG/soyhernancuevas)

The actor Hernán Cuevas, recognized for his role in the hit series “Palermo Division” (Netflix), shared a shocking story on his social networks about a situation of aggression and homophobia that he recently experienced. In a video published on his Instagram account, the young man detailed how a car trip turned into a nightmare due to the driver’s reprehensible attitude against his integrity.

According to the actor, during the trip the driver of the application noticed that he was wearing a pin with the LGBT flag, which triggered a series of discriminatory and hateful comments. “He started talking to me about his religion, the person was an evangelist. I couldn’t say anything, I couldn’t defend myself, he just started telling me on that trip that he was a sinner, that he loved me but that he was a sinner because of what he did, that I was going to hell, that the devil was speaking to me for me. ear to do those things, that he spoke with God and the holy spirit spoke to him… but beyond his speech about religion, it was his value judgment in telling me that I was wrong and that I could not lead my life because I was not what God had sent me,” said Cuevas, visibly affected.

The driver continued with a speech full of value judgments and contempt for Cuevas’ sexual orientation, even making comments about his short stature, which increased the actor’s vulnerability and feeling of lack of protection. “At one point he tells me ‘I saw you, when you got into the car, that you have a different body. Surely they sent it to you because you had a mission to fulfill with that body.’ It was a very horrible trip and the truth is that I couldn’t defend myself. I felt attacked, vulnerable, unprotected, I couldn’t defend myself, I couldn’t say anything, and it’s sad to live like this, to have someone judge me for my condition or my choice. It sucks, honestly. “I wanted to share it because I didn’t feel very well.”

Actor Hernán Cuevas is recognized for his role in the successful series “División Palermo” (Netflix)

Despite not having suffered physical attacks, Cuevas described the trip as a “horrible” experience and highlighted the importance of making these types of situations visible to raise awareness about the vulnerability of LGBTIQ+ people to discrimination and hatred. “My mother and my sister wanted to lynch the driver, but he was gone and the only thing I could do was give him a star and tell how bad the trip was for me. My defense was that: one star and give it a bad trip. “I hope it helps you go out and defend yourself, we are very vulnerable.”the interpreter completed.

Cuevas’ story occurs in a critical context for the LGBTIQ+ community, marked by recent cases of violence such as the attack on four lesbian women in the Barracas neighborhood, which resulted in the death of three of them. Faced with this situation, the actor called for defense and solidarity among vulnerable people. Hernán Cuevas’ publication received expressions of support and solidarity from colleagues, artists and followerswho highlighted the importance of raising our voices against discrimination and providing support to those who suffer from it.

Recently, the writer and biographer of the President, Nicolas Marquezwas harshly questioned after his statements about homosexuality, which he defined as “insane” and “self-destructive” behavior. It was on the program hosted by Ernesto Tenembaum, in Radio with you, and his words generated controversy and criticism that multiplied on social networks. In that context, Manuel Lozanopresident of the Yes Foundation, came out to express himself forcefully: “(Márquez) said things that seemed very terrible to me,” he said in a letter that he read in street dogs (FM Urbana Play). He did the same Fernando Dente.

“It is very difficult when in a space of communication your own cards are played, and you open your story, and you open your fears and your pains: it is very difficult to explain them. Rarely, I don’t know if it happens to you, but when you talk about something about yourself and it gives you like tachycardia. “You are in a moment of opening up and being judged for everything,” said the driver of Al Dente Night (America) after praising Lozano for having dared to tell his story “with a speech of pure love and common sense.”

Fer Dente gave his opinion about Nicolás Márquez’s homophobic sayings (Video: Olga Streaming)

When closing his testimony, Fer left a message to the community as a reflection. “It seems to me that we cannot stop repeating ad nauseam that hate is not free.. It seems to me that it is my responsibility to spread this because there is no one better than yourself, who is going through your own problems, to open it and share it with everyone,” he concluded.

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