The difficult moment of Gladys La Bomba Tucumana for her boyfriend’s health: “He is tired of suffering”

The difficult moment of Gladys La Bomba Tucumana for her boyfriend’s health: “He is tired of suffering”
The difficult moment of Gladys La Bomba Tucumana for her boyfriend’s health: “He is tired of suffering”

The drama of Gladys La Bomba Tucumana, distressed by her boyfriend’s health (Video: Mañanisima, El Trece)

Gladys The bomb Tucumán He opened his heart in an interview in Mañanísima (The Thirteen)where he revealed moving details about the difficult health situation that his partner is going through, Luciano Ojedadiagnosed with cancer several years ago.

The singer reported that Luciano, 37, was diagnosed during the pandemic, when he underwent a study due to work requirements. Since then, he has undergone three operations due to a tumor in his abdomen, with complications that have led him to suffer the onset of the disease again in a short time. “In the time of Covid, he is going to do a study for work, because he has a degree in hygiene and safety and the job asks him to do it. And then it turns out that he had a tumor inside his abdomen, but he didn’t have any symptoms. And they operate it immediately”detailed the tropical singer.

“After four months, he goes for checkups, and again he has a giant tumor. This was the worst, the most tremendous, because I was with him, I already knew him, in the second operation. He had his checkups done, we were going on vacation outside the country and he wasn’t feeling well. The surgery had just been done in September and this was December. She felt bad, she had a fever. The check-ups are done again, we come back from vacation, the check-ups are done in January and on the way back I had an 8 kilo tumor. Just as if nothing happened, in four months. And then they half evicted him, half they told him, I don’t know, it was already the second operation,” the artist continued, on the verge of tears.

Then, with tears in her eyes, Gladys recalled the moment when Luciano made the difficult decision to separate from her, feeling unworthy of her love due to his state of health. Despite this, she never stopped wanting to be by her side and they finally managed to meet again to face together the challenges that the disease presented them.

“Now he had some checkups and it seems that some things are coming…” commented Gladys (TV Capture)

“I want to ask you this question, because I heard it out there, tell me if it’s true, did he leave you?” Carmen Barbieri asked La Bomba. “Yes, he left me because he was sick,” The Bomb answered. And he recounted what that moment was like: “I remember that I had gone on tour to Tucumán and, while chatting on the phone, he half told me. And when I came back, because I already knew that I had to start treatment and that they had given up hope for him at the Hospital de Clínicas, the doctor who was treating him said ‘go home and die’, something like that, without no hope. And he said ‘this girl doesn’t deserve anything I’m experiencing.'”

“When I came back he was already gone, he had taken his things. We were separated for four months. He had already started chemo, he was on the second one. And I had such a bad time during those four months, I suffered so much, I begged God and him so much to let me be by his side. Then I would do whatever I wanted, but he would let me accompany him,” he highlighted.

The singer could not contain her tears when recounting the difficult situation that her partner of two years ago was going through (TV Capture)

With an emotional tone, La Bomba Tucumana highlighted the love it feels for Luciano and its unwavering commitment to accompany him in every step of his battle against the disease. Despite the difficulties, both have found strength to stay united and face together the challenges that the future holds for them. “We had spent a year and a half building a beautiful, family relationship. He is a very nice person, very healthy. He had never felt so much love for a man and he came to love me. I even cried on my son’s shoulder because I wanted to be with Luciano. And after seeing me so sad, he was already bald, he weighed 45 kilos, but I was already prepared. Now we live together and I accompany him in everything.”

“Now he had some checkups and it seems that some things are coming… He is tired of suffering, poor thing. He is dialyzed, he has only one kidney. “You don’t have to give up,” added Gladys, who during her testimony emphasized the importance of not abandoning those facing serious illnesses, highlighting the courage and strength necessary to overcome each obstacle on the path to recovery.

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