Yuyito González talked about Javier Milei’s act, the romance rumors and what he saw in the dressing room

Yuyito González talked about Javier Milei’s act, the romance rumors and what he saw in the dressing room
Yuyito González talked about Javier Milei’s act, the romance rumors and what he saw in the dressing room


Sitting in the front row of a Luna Park full of militants, along with front-line officials, historical members of La Libertad Avanza and powerful businessmen, the figure of Amalia Yuyito González stood out last night in the show that Javier Milei rode to present his new book. The former star followed the show put on by the first national leader with great concentration. She then went to her house and there she began to receive queries from different media on her cell phone: How did she come to rub shoulders with the President’s inner circle? How did he manage to place himself in such a privileged position? The actress and host was responsible for answering all these questions and many more, even from her own television program this morning.

Minister Sandra Pettovello, Yuyito González, her collaborator, and Vice President Victoria Villarruel

Far from what could be assumed when seeing her occupy such a privileged place in the historic stadium – she sat next to the Minister of Human Capital Sandra Petovello, one of Milei’s closest collaborators, and one place away from the Vice President of the Nation. , Victoria Villarruel-, González explained in dialogue with THE NATION that it was she herself who managed the entry: “I managed the invitation. I started to see what contacts he had and I had contacts from when I invited Milei to my program.” And she explained: “I spoke with those contacts and they told me ‘I’ll take care of it.’ I don’t know how they managed it, I have no idea. The thing is that They picked me up because I couldn’t go alone.”

Although she had been watching images of what was happening around Luna Park in the afternoon, González explained that she was surprised by the magnitude of the act. “I thought it was a small event, I don’t know. And it was very overwhelming. I had not become aware of the dimension,” she said. She then explained that they picked her up and that she decided to go accompanied by a collaborator who usually helps her at the events in which she participates. Regarding the place where she was located, she seemed surprised. “They sat me in the front row. I had no idea where they were going to seat me. It was all an overflowa million people,” he noted.

The public at the Luna Park stadium for the presentation of Mileix

Before the show started, Yuyito was taken to the dressing room. There he was able to witness first-hand the behind-the-scenes of the show. “First they took me to the dressing room. I greeted. I met Karina. There was also Sandra Pettovello, who is who I went to the event with,” he revealed. At that moment, the former star confessed that she stayed very close to the official. She also gave details of what she discussed with Milei’s inner circle. “We were talking a little about spirituality, which is a nice thing that was there in the conversation. There were many people from the evangelical church, from the Jewish community, his students. Obviously, there were people from the economy full because it is a completely technical book. I deduce that from the speech he gave,” he concluded. After the show, González returned to his house. “And that’s how it was, nothing more than that,” he concluded.

Javier Milei the day that, prior to the runoff, he visited Yuyito’s program

In dialogue with radio Rivadavia, Yuyito She put to rest the rumors that claim that there is a romantic connection between her and Milei. “The truth is, I don’t relate in the sentimental sense, as it was with Fatima,” she stated. And, later, she confirmed that she is “very single,” although she did not completely rule out the possibility of maintaining a relationship deeper than a friendship with the President.

“It would be like with any other person if you told me ‘You would have something with…’. “I would have to meet him in a different way than yesterday,” the host relativized and then dismissed the possibility of a fleeting relationship. “I’m not very touch and go”, he clarified. “Does he seem like a tough guy to you?” the interviewers wanted to know. “I think he’s a nice guy and he seems like an intelligent man.”. And, above all, I have the expectation that I can do something good for our country,” she added.

Publicly, Milei and Yuyito González met six months ago, before the runoff, when the still candidate for president sat in the living room of Start the day, the program she hosts on City Magazine. Throughout the talk, various compliments came and went. “You are photogenic, but prettier in person. And well, I’m telling you, what’s wrong with it,” the former model highlighted at one point.

Today, González spoke again about Milei, already as president and after the event at Luna Park, at the start of his program. After highlighting that it was a private event and that it was “very academic,” he illustrated how she experienced the show. “He was like a professor: in fact, there were students from the university and many economists,” she said. He also reviewed those he saw around her, confessing that he met Guillermo Francos’ wife, with whom he goes to the same church, and that the feeling she experienced was that of “familiarity.” “In fact, in the dressing room, we prayed,” he revealed. “It was a very nice thing, without evil,” he added.

Regarding what happened during the time in which Milei was on stage, the former star said that she felt moved by what she saw and by the desire that she felt transcended, although she clarified that she did not endorse each of the libertarian’s words. “There are things that I didn’t applaud because I didn’t understand them at an economic level. Everything was technical, that’s why they lived it – she was honest. It was technical, but at the same time it was human,” she concluded.

With the aim of changing the direction of the talk, the cycle’s panelist Facundo Ventura recalled at that time a phrase from the president about the host: “All this is enhanced knowing that Javier Milei publicly said that his prototype of a woman was you.” Furthermore, he recalled that the first fights between Milei and Fátima Flórez were after the candidate’s visit to his program. “I’m not going to get involved with the Fátima issue,” he stopped short at the insistence of his panelists. “Maybe let’s tell the general public that I have absolutely nothing to do with the situation of your previous partner,” he said.


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