Discover your partner’s erogenous zone according to their zodiac sign

Discover your partner’s erogenous zone according to their zodiac sign
Discover your partner’s erogenous zone according to their zodiac sign

Astrology can help you know the part of your partner’s body that you should caress to make him feel in paradise, and it is not his genitals.

It is worth mentioning that the erogenous zone depends largely on the zodiac sign that governs you and It is largely related to your personality.

The discovery of this area will strengthen your relations sentimental thanks to the complicity and knowledge that you and your partner will have about the pleasure of both.

Erogenous zone of each sign

In Cosmopolitan they point out which part of the body you should caress to have an unforgettable encounter.

Aries: hair

Whether you take it abruptly or start with a light massage on the scalp, depending on the intensity of the session as it is a fire sign, passion and desire will overflow after loving it.

Taurus: neck and throat

If you passionately kiss Taurus’s neck, the result will be an intense session where magic will inevitably flow.

Gemini: arms

Everything that involves the arms will be a powerful channeler of desire for those born between May 21 and June 21

Cancer: the breast

Tenderly caressing the chest area is an immediate stimulant for people of this sign. Make sure you treat the nipples gently, almost no one enjoys biting that area.

Leo: spine

Caress Leo’s back with your fingertips and the result will be brutal. Some sexual positions favor this zodiac sign, such as the famous doggy style.

Virgo: torso

The entire area that includes the thorax, abdomen, pelvis and back is extremely exciting for Virgo.

Libra: butt

Those born between September 23 and October 22 fully enjoy when the butt gains prominence during the meeting.

Scorpio: undefined

Scorpio’s erogenous zone can be anywhere on the body, it will depend on the mood and desire to explore.

Sagittarius: hips and thighs

Just caressing the hips and thighs of a Sagittarius will turn him into a sexual machine.

Capricorn: legs and knees

Play with his legs and knees since they are the most sensitive points on his body. If you are a Capricorn, take care of this area, since it is usually a very common point of injury.

Aquarius: calves and ankles

For Aquarius, showing off defined calves and strong ankles is a priority, so fill them with praise, kisses and caresses so that Aquarius can relax and put aside his mysticism.

Pisces: feet

With relaxing essential oils and a tender and sensual foot massage, Pisces will tell you even their most intimate fantasies.

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