Kirsten Dunst and her most unknown project, a brand of illustrated bags and accessories

Kirsten Dunst and her most unknown project, a brand of illustrated bags and accessories
Kirsten Dunst and her most unknown project, a brand of illustrated bags and accessories

They use different techniques and materials for each of them. Kirsten Dunst explains that this does indeed vary depending on the material and surface and she goes on to detail the way they work: “once we have the physical product, Jess tests a small part to see what works best. Luckily, we’ve had the opportunity to work on many different surfaces, from canvas to leather to glass, etc., so we know more or less what works best on each of them. Textured surfaces tend to be more difficult and don’t allow for as much detail, but they’re still great.” She assures that, whenever they are in the same city, they meet almost every day and they also talk on the phone almost daily. Normally, she says, they agree on everything and when they don’t, they always end up finding common ground.

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Last year they collaborated with Coach, creating a capsule collection of bags and clothing printed with their illustrations.. “Someone from Coach discovered us and ordered gifts from us for years. One day he asked us if we would be interested in collaborating with the brand, so he introduced us to Stuart Vevers, the brand’s creative director, and the rest is history. It was a fantastic experience. It has forced us to really think about what and who we are as a brand and has opened many doors for us that we are exploring”. This was a true milestone for Observed By Us, an opportunity that gave them great visibility, but still did not detract one bit from the essence of the brand. His works continue to be made to order and through his Instagram profile and, on rare occasions, Kirsten reveals to us, they publish an object on their account and the first one to claim it takes it.

The most special projects for them, as Dunst tells us, are those sentimental ones, “in which we get to know the client intimately when they tell us stories about their spouses or children or relatives who have died. “They want designs that remind them of those people and that is very special to us.” The actress confesses that they would love to see their designs printed everywhere, from haute couture garments, to household items, such as wallpaper or bedding, to sportswear and university kits, “on everything, why not ?”

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