Jota Mario’s widow reveals unpublished photographs of the presenter of ‘Very Good Morning’ 5 years after his death

Jota Mario’s widow reveals unpublished photographs of the presenter of ‘Very Good Morning’ 5 years after his death
Jota Mario’s widow reveals unpublished photographs of the presenter of ‘Very Good Morning’ 5 years after his death

After five years of the sudden death of Jota Mario Valenciahis wife remembered with unpublished videos and photographs what the presenter of ‘Very good morning’ was like, accompanied by an emotional message.

Jota Mario Valencia

Photo:Jota Mario Valencia

Accompanied by the song ‘Confieso’ by Kany García, Gineth Fuentes showed several photographs in which they are seen together, sharing trips, family moments, and even on the set of ‘Very good morning’.

“I cried because your voice is not in the house, I laughed because you loved me with all your being. It is a mixture that grabs my soul and breaks in every corner of my being.“says the song that accompanies the images.

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Jota Mario Valencia

Photo:Jota Mario Valencia

What did Jota Mario Valencia, host of ‘Very Good Morning,’ die from?

In 2019, the presenter was diagnosed with a brain clot that seriously affected him and he was hospitalized. After notifying Jota Mario’s children that he was in a delicate state of health and after his daughter María José visited him, the presenter fell into an induced coma until his death.

On June 6, 2019, the doctors who treated him confirmed his death: “The patient had been admitted with neurological symptoms that evolved in a negative way and as a result of this led to the death of the patient due to cardiorespiratory arrest,” they explained in That moment.

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Jota Mario Valencia

Photo:Jota Mario Valencia

Years after his death, his wife revealed what the presenter’s last words were before falling into a coma: “Black, am I going to die?” she asked him while he was in the hospital.

​In the middle of the interview, she also pointed out, with a broken voice, that her husband ‘foreseen his own death.’ As she explained, Jota Mario frequently spoke about the subject, repeating: “I’m not going to last a lifetime.”

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